1.7 Mile Long Line of Cars

Waiting to Enter the

South Rim Entrance Station

Grand Canyon National Park

Sunday May 26, 2002

Memorial Day Weekend

This is the stretch of road between Moqui Lodge and the hill just north of Tusayan.

When it Rains - it Pours

On those days of the year when "everyone" decides to visit Grand Canyon National Park (at the same time) would any size parking lot or alternative transportation system be able to accomodate the onslaught of visitors?

Send in your suggestions / comments and we'll post them on this page.

Mile 0.0 - South Entrance Station
All Lanes open...


Bringing Up the Rear...
1.7 miles from the South Entrance Station - the Sidewalks of Tusayan.


2 miles of cars, times 2 to 4 people per car...was there any room to
walk around? If they all fell in would they fill in the canyon?
I remember days (and I'm sure you know of many more) when it was deadly
quiet there, no one even walking along the sidewalk by Kolb's
Studio...no one even caring who Emery Kolb was. And he was still

Does they think it's Disneyland?

Tue, 28 May 2002

I saw that long line of cars as I was leaving the Park. Had just finished a 6 day North rim to South rim hike. (great pictures by the way.) Thought to myself - don't come on a holiday weekend again.

Look out for the 4th of July too!!

BJ - Tue 28 May 2002

Great pic's.... I tried replying to the GC egroups site but my post hasn't arrived yet.
Any idea how long it was taking people to make it through the gate?

How long did you wait?

You should forward your comments & pic's onto the the GC Sup's office--I got a nice email back when I commented on there being no ranger programs on May 11 when the press release said there would be.

Steve 28 May 2002

I think a railway from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon would be ideal. It would reduce congestion and pollution. The charge for riding it should be nominal (less than the current fee for driving into the park). The park itself should have an excellent point-to-point transit system so that people don't feel they are loosing the freedom of seeing the park as they wish to see it.

William Carpenter
Project Engineer
W.E.O'Neil Construction
29 May 2002

We've seen what happened on Memorial Day. Let's plan ahead for Labor Day and redirect all the cars to the Burningman Festival at Black Rock City! All them wreckreation vehicles will be right at home on the playa.

Dick Blakely 31 May 2002

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