NPS Approved Hang Gliding Fesibility Test - May 9, 1976
Duration of This Video Clip: 1:49 (There is no sound with this video)


The hang gliders landed very close to the spot on the Tonto Plateau
where in 1922, the first and only airplane landed within the canyon
(and then took off again) In other words - not a crash landing

The airplane pilot was R.V. Thomas and his passenger, Ellsworth Kolb
To read a first person account of that flight and to see photos click here


The 1976 Grand Canyon Hang Glider Test Pilots were:

Phil Richards, Lloyd Pack, Gary Waugh,
Chuck Rhodes, Jim Vaughan

From the film "The Grand Flights"
by R.Osterman and D.Sechrist

Does anyone know of their whereabouts ?

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