Photographic Exploration
The "Search" Model "A" Finger Print
and Evidence Camera
A self-contained camera unit for making exact size reproductions of any subject on a plane surface with an area of 3x4 inches in size. Applications for its use by police criminologists and questioned document examiners are plentiful.
There is nothing tricky about the model "A"
It has been ingeniously designed so that the fixed focus lens and lighting arrangements enables the operator with no experience to take accurate exposures of finger print or crime evidence.
When shipped, the lens is set at f/8 and the shutter speed at "bulb."
Unless using high speed film, all exposures are taken at the same settings.
Acquire the habit of shooting exposures at these settings in order to simplify the operation and obtain maximum results.
When photographing latent finger prints and other evidence at actual crime scenes, it is advisable to take at least three exposures of each specimen or object; 2 seconds, 5 seconds, and 7 seconds.
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