
George Steck
September 3, 1995,
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Interview Conducted by: Mike Quinn,
Grand Canyon National Park Museum Collection
The Department of Interior National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park

Proofreading by Dave Marcus.
Part 1 - Background - Georgie White Part 8 - Volunteer Work in Canyon
Part 2 - First Thunder River Hike Part 9 - Sierra Club Trips
Part 3 - Robert Eschka Benson Part 10 - Book Publishing
Part 4 - Water Sources Part 11 - Backcountry Permits
Part 5 - Marble Canyon & LCR Part 12 - Route Questions
Part 6 - Deer Creek - Toilet Paper Fires Part 13 - Food for Backpacking
Part 7 - Changes Over Time Part 14 - Future Concerns

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