Vulcan Culture
 VULCAN (also known as VULCANIS)

Year of Admission: 2161 (charter world)
Primary: 40 Eridani A  (Trinary System  Eridani B & C)
Class: M
Planets: 2   T'Khasi & T'Khut
Satellites: none  ("The Man Trap" [TOS])
Capital/Major cities: ShirKahr ("Yesteryear" [TAS]) Vulcana Regar ("Coming of Age" [TNG])
Native race(s): Vulcan race (humanoid)

Brief history/Comments:
Vulcan is a founding world of the United Federation of Planets ("Gambit, Part II" [TNG]) and due to its close promximity to Earth (15.9 light years) and similar history, is that planet's greatest political ally. Vulcan was the first extraterrestrial civilization to come in contact with Terran humans, on Earth, doing so on 5 April 2063 [Star Trek: First Contact].

Possibly descendants of humanoids who lived on Sargon's planet over 500,000 years ago ("Return to Tomorrow" [TOS]), Vulcan was a world of violent and incredibly passionate people until the philosophers Surak (c. AD 360s) and T'plana-Hath ("The Savage Curtain" [TOS]; Star Trek IV) led Vulcan to reject their overpowering emotions in favor of a philosophy of logical thinking in a period called the Time of Awakening ("Gambit, Part II" [TNG]).

Vulcan is now noted for its total reliance upon logic and its famous rejection and supression of all emotional states, summed in their philosophy of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations ("Is There in Truth no Beauty?" [TOS]) [note: one rebel Vulcan group rejected the logic philosophy and emigrated to several planets in the Romulan star system, forming the warrior Romulan Star Empire ("Unification, Part I" [TNG])].  Vulcan supreme law is vested in the Vulcan Bill of Rights ("The Maquis, Part I" [DS9]).
Though Vulcans attempt to repress all emotions and feelings through such rigorous exercises such as the Kohlinar discipline [STTMP], the incredibly strong passions legendary to their ancestors still escape under certain circumstances.

Vulcans are telepathically betrothed at age seven and marry when compelled to reunite in later life.  Vulcan males undergo a mating cycle, accompanied by ancient rituals, every seven years called pon farr ("Amok Time" [TOS]; Star Trek III), which is most commonly characterized by loss of all emotional control.

Some Vulcans over the age of 200 also experience a rare illness called Bendii Syndrome, which results in the loss of all emotional control and in some instances the projection of these emotional outbursts onto others ("Sarek" [TNG]).  Vulcans also retain (yet contain) their ancestors capacity for savagery in fighting, as evidenced in such techniques as the Vulcan neck pinch ("The Enemy Within" [TOS]) and use of such deadly weapons as the lirpa ("Amok Time" [TOS]).

Vulcan physiological makeup also contributes to these abilities.  Vulcan, being an arid world with higher surface gravity and thinner atmosphere than most class M worlds, endows greater physical strength and endurance to native-born and reared Vulcans in comparison to other humanoids.
In keeping with their devotion to logic, Vulcans are some of the greatest academicians in the galaxy, especially in the areas of the natural and physical sciences.  The Vulcan Science Academy, an educational institution of higher learning, is galactically renown for studies in all branches of scientific study and was the only school Vulcan science students attended until the admission in 2249 of Spock to Starfleet Academy ("Journey to Babel" [TOS]).  Vulcan science has made several notable discoveries, among the most recent contact with the Wadi, the first Gamma Quadrant species introduced to the Alpha Quadrant ("Move Along Home" [DS9]), in 2369.

          Vulcan Writing

The Vulcans are a humanoid race native to the planet Vulcan. Vulcans were once a passionate, violent people whose civilization was torn by terrible wars. The ancient philosopher Surak, revered as the father of Vulcan civilization, led his people some 2000 years ago to reject their emotions in favor of a philosophy that embraced pure logic. Vulcan society is now based entirely on logic and any trappings of emotion are considered to be in extremely poor taste.
The essence of their logical society is in arriving at the truth through logical process. Emotion is illogical, thus making them impure, and deterrent to truth. However, Vulcans are born with the same emotions that afflicted their violent ancestors, but the continual mind conditioning, the t'an s'at, gives them the impassivity sought after by all Vulcans. The t'an s'at is an intellectual deconstruction of emotional patterns, a lifelong process that strives for absolute detachment from all emotion. Though not all can arrive at the penultimate pure logical state, the exacting process of mental control gives Vulcans enough to conform to the ideals of Vulcan society. Vulcans of this creed are impervious to greed, deception, anger, and all other vices that still plague the Terran psyche well into the 24th century.

Vulcans believe knowledge to be the only defense against unknown dangers, and pursue them with the intellect and logic that makes them some of the finest scholars in the Federation. Their pursuit of knowledge and impassivity of emotion are the driving forces in a Vulcan's life.

Tech Level: Level Six, although for traditional reasons Level Three technology remains quite visible.

"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." ~T'Plana'hath

I.D.I.C. is a philosophy of tolerance and comprehension of the diversity. The basic idea is that the universe evolves better if there is more diversity. So every being has to contribute to preserve the differences between him/her and others.
I.D.I.C. teaches us to believe that diversity in the others is the reason of their beauty and to try to help everyone to improve his knowledge and his consciousness to develop himself completely and in a new and original way.
