-Fan Comics-
About Us
-Anime Info-
Shiro: Check out Bakugaiden comics done by the fans!
Aka: So even if you don't have a chance to read the mangas...
Shiro: You can always read the fan comics!
Story Intro
Series Synopsis
Chara Data
-Please send in your own Bakugaiden comics to put on this site!!-
Chara Mecha
-By Wing-
Anime Images
"The Special Shell"
BB-Daman Icons
BB-Daman Cels
-This is the first ever Bakugaiden fan comic done in English!
Media Downloads
-My second comic! It's in black & white and is based on what happened to my younger brother! *Baka means stupid/idiot/fool in Japanese.*
Song Lyrics
-Fan Work-
Fan Art
"You Make Me Sick!"
Fan Comics
-In black & white again, I used a different kind of shading in this one.
Fan Fiction

-By Rik-
Message Board
"Shiro's Sentence"
Drawing Board
-Rik's first Bakugaiden comic! Shiro is in jail and needs to escape! He thinks otherwise tho!
*Drawing Board Instructions*
"Shiro Stop!"
-Misc. Stuff- -Shiro's not watching where he's going and something bad happens to him!
"Ao Bom's Surprise"
Other Merchandise
-Ao is wondering what's inside this box...
Video CD

-By Tabitha-
B-Daman & Pet Adoption
"Pink-Bom's Visit"
-All the guys are swooning over Pink, and Aka is jealous! [This is done by Rik's little sister!]

-By MisticBlackEmerald (Sora)-
"Fall Fright"
-A comic about the Bom Group in human form!
"Birthday Bogus" ~Page: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5......
-Sora's Bakugaiden gijinka doujinshi [human fan manga]. The other pages to be submitted.

-By Michael Jokoh ('Sakaki')-
"Bomberman's New Bomberforce: Gone Fishing..." ~Page: | 1 | 2 | 3......
-A manga based on his Bomberman fan fics. The other pages to be submitted.