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Episode 23: Melody? Golden Angel?!"

By: Sakaki (Michael Jokoh)
Story Intro
Series Synopsis
Chara Data
Chara Mecha

(The b-da fighting forces are headed out to follow up a call from a person in an disclosed location.)

Shiro: Does anyone even know who this is?

Kiiro: Nope. But we're all bored so we're going anyway.

Shiro: We'll it CAN'T be a dragon right Aobon?

Ao: Could be anything.

Akira: Not only do I have to come out here on a Saturday but I have to bring her!

(The camera zooms out to reveal Melody following them.)

Aka: Now now, she promised not to bother you as long as she got to bring Rui-Rui.

Rui-Rui: Lui lui lui!

Melody: I love b-darons! Especially cute ones!

(She hugs Rui-Rui tightly.)

Kiiro: Hey guys looks like we hit paydirt

(They arrive at the address that is a clinic type building.)

Shiro: Okay lets see if anyone is in there.

(Shiro and Kiiro pound on the door.)

Aka: If nothing happened after that racket, then no one must be in there.

(Then the door creaks open and a ghostly voice addresses them.)

Ghostly voice: come in.

(They walk in slowly and find themselves engulfed in darkness.)

Kiiro: Hey! Who are you?

Ghostly voice: I am no one unparticular.

Akira: What's with the voice sir?

Ghostly voice: You should know me Akirabon.

Akira: How do you know my name?

Ghostly voice: I know you…

(Then the owner of the voice trips down the stairs, and lands at the bottom. Kiiro turns on the lights to reveal…)

Akira,Ao&Melody: Dr. Toikio?!

Dr. Toikio: There goes my dramatic entrance.

Ao: What are you doing here?

Dr. Toikio: I realized I couldn't be a villain so I'm gonna become a good guy!

Aka: Actually to tell the truth we defeated our last villain last episode.

Dr.Toikio: WHAT?!

Ao: We would have kept you posted but we thought you were in jail.

Akira: How did you get out of there anyway?

Dr. Toikio: I got out on the account of good behavior.

(They all nod.)

Dr. Toikio: Oh well I suppose since it's too late to become a villain, I'll reveal my new invention in the name of good.

Shiro: Lets see it then.

(Toikio motions to follow him and they all go into another room that has a machine with a sheet on it.)

Dr.Toikio: Are you ready for the ultimate invention?

Kiiro: Just show us already.

(He rips off the sheet to reveal a machine with two mechanical arms, and a shaft with a door on it.)

Melody: What is that?

Dr. Toikio: Don't you know a matter transmogrifier when you see one?

Akira: Matter transmogri-what?

Ao: A machine that can turn matter into other matter.

Melody: I'm only 8 someone explain it better.

Shiro: It can turn something like me, into something like Rui-Rui.

Rui-Rui: Lui!

Dr.Toikio: That can become very useful in any fights you might have.

Kiiro: Forget fighting. That thing could be verrry useful in my social life.

Aka: Turning yourself into a ladies bon will not boost your love life.

Kiiro: Shut up.

(Akira walks up to the machine when Toikio stops him.)

Dr. Toikio: Don't get near it with any thoughts in your head!

Ao: Why?

Dr. Toikio: Because it's very sensitive. If you're thinking of something when you get near it, then you will become that thing! Like if you're thinking of a girl you like or something.

Akira(Steps back.): Yes.. That wouldn't be good.

Shiro: You're telling me. I was just thinking of lunch!

(Everyone sighs.)

Dr. Toikio: So what will the bidding for this machine start at?

Aka: You never mentioned us paying for it…

Kiiro: 2800 yen. ($35)

Dr. Toikio: NO WAY!!!

(Kiiro and Toikio argue and soon everyone is involved so no one is keeping an eye on Melody.)

Melody: I don't get how this thing is supposed to work…

(She walks up to it.)

Melody: Looks like a toaster.

(Then a small laser comes from the machine and quickly zaps her eye.)

Melody: Hey!

(The laser disappears quickly.)

Melody: Nothing seems to be different…I still can see…

(Then the two mechanical hands activate.)

Rui-Rui: Lui?!

Melody: Whats wrong?

(The hands grab her and leave Rui-Rui behind.)

Melody: Help!!

(Everyone notices her.)

Akira: Melodybon!!

(He and Shiro rush for the machine, but Toikio reminds them.)

Dr. Toikio: If you get too close…

(They stop and look helplessly, as the shaft door opens and Melody is placed inside.)

Kiiro: What will happen to her?

Dr. Toikio: She'll be turned into what she was last thinking of.

(The machine suddenly stops and the shaft door opens with smoke billowing out.)

Ao: The moment of truth…

(Melody can be heard coughing, and Akira making sure that he's not thinking of anything walks to her.)

Akira: Melodybon!

(He looks at her and takes a step back.)

Akira: You..Are you Melodybon?

Melody: Of course I am!

(Then she notices everyone's blank stare.)

Melody: What's wrong?

Aka: Melodybon what happened to you?

(She is now a human girl, with her straight brown hair now frizzy, and a halo right above her head. She is in a Grecian toga, and is barefoot.)

Shiro: Let's not forget the wings narrator man.

(And the wings.)

Akira: What are you?

Dr. Toikio: Yes I am interested in what you have become.

Melody: An Angel.


Ao: Actually on planet earth they do look like that.

Melody: I read a book and thought they were nice looking.

Akira: Okay Melodybon…Or Melody… (To Shiro) Should I add "Bon" anymore?

(Shiro shrugs.)

Akira: Okay you're going back in the machine, and turning back right now!

Melody: No! I wanna fly first!

Aka: Come on Akirabon, we have nothing else to do, we'd might as well let her do this once.)

(Akira groans.)

Akira: Fine fine. Go ahead.

(Melody nods and then tries to get herself airborne. She manages to get a couple of feet in the air before falling on her rump.)

Melody: Ow!

Ao: Try using the wings to push the air downward, and that should get you upward.

(Melody nods and tries again. She gets higher and finally begins to fly.)

Melody: I did it!!

(She flies around in circles at the top of the building.)

Akira: Okay! Lets not get too used to this!

Shiro: Jealous little buddy?

Akira: No…Yes…No..

(Then the ceiling begins to crack as it is lifted away by a vacuum.)

Dr. Toikio: What the?!

(Then a spaceship can be seen and a voice comes in by megaphone.)

Voice: Give me all your rare stuff!! I know a Doctor lives here so he should be rich!

Kiiro: A petty thug.

(Then the guy sees Melody.)

Voice: That's something you don't see everyday..

(He turns the vacuum on her.)

Melody: WAHHHH!!

(She is soon sucked up.)

Voice: So long SUCKERS!!

(He flies away.)

Dr. Toikio: I heard this was a bad neighbor hood but I never imagined this.

Akira: We have to go save her!

Shiro: Right we'll leave now!

(Everyone leaves.)

Dr. Toikio: What about me?

Ao: You get that thing fixed!

(Toikio nods. Meanwhile on the guy's ship, he looks Melody who is in a glass tube over.)

Guy: You're probably worth millions!

Melody: What makes you think that I'm going along with you?

Guy: When I sell you we'll see who's better off then.

Melody: Shouldn't you pay attention to your controls?

(The guy notices the incoming mountain.)


(He tries to swerve but hits the mountain and soon follows up with an explosion. Through the blast Melody blacks out, but wakes up later in the snow.)

Melody: I survived?

(She looks around and sees the ship parts all over.)

Melody: Guess he didn't, but serves him right.

(Then she begins to walk. The coldness bites at her bare feet, and her bad choice of clothing.)

Melody: Angel clothes aren't good in snow…

(Then fatigue begins to set in.)

Melody: Maybe I'll just go to sleep for just a little while.

(She lies down, and just before blanking out a second time she notices three b-daman looking at her.)

Melody: Someone…came…

(She closes her eyes, and the b-daman look at her and talk in a strange language. Then one of them notices the wings and talks excitably to the others. Then they all pick her up and take her with them. Meanwhile the Narrator-b-da is building a snow-man.)

Narrator b-da: Ohhh What fun it is to ride on a one b-daron open sleigh….Yeah!

(Then more of the b-daman that took Melody show up, and surround him.)

Narrator b-da: what can I do for you gents?

(Two of them take him and start to drag him away.)

Narrator b-da: I know I have no choice but I just have to know, are you the kind of people that eat other people out here?

(Then one answers him in a British accent.)

01: Of course not old bean.

(Narrator b-da sighs.)

01: We can't eat you without tea, and we're not getting any until this afternoon.

(Then they all laugh.)

Narrator b-da: This sucks…

(Back at the camp of these strange b-daman, Melody awakens.)

Melody: Where am I? (Sneezes.) I don't feel so good.

(Then a b-daman with feathers off of birds and animal skins comes in.)

Melody: Who are you?

B-daman: I'm the chief of these snow b-da natives.

Melody: Hello Chief san, why did you bring me here?

Chief: Because my people believe you to be the long lost snow goddess, Fuyuu.

Melody: Me? But…

(Then she remembers her appearance.)

Melody: Okay.

Chief: Will you stay with us Fuyuu Sama?

Melody(Thinking): Well I can't go back quite yet, and anyway they seem nice. They DID save me after all. (to Chief) Okay why not?

Chief: Thank you oh great Fuyuu sama.

Melody: Call me Melody-chan please.

(The Chief looks at her strangely,)

Chief: Okay Melody-chan.

(Melody smiles. Her brother and the others on the other hand have no reason to smile as they trek up the mountain.)


Aka: Melodybon! Please answer us!

Ao: Look!

(They see the ship remains and the body of the thief. Shiro checks his pulse quickly.)

Shiro: Dead as a doorknob.

Aka: Oh no! Did Melodybon die too?

Kiiro: I don't think so.

(He points at the ground and they see the footprints of Melody's new form.)

Akira: Hey! (Remembers Melody's feet.) Those look like her footprints!

Shiro: Good! Lets follow them!

(They do so and soon notice the one footprint soon turn into 2 footprints that are b-daman shaped.)

Akira: Someone took her from here.

Shiro: Onward!

(They keep going until they reach a camp with two stern b-daman in the front as guards.)

Aka: Do you think she's in there?

Ao: Probably.

(They head over to be stopped by the two b-daman.)

Kiiro: Let us through!

(The b-damen look at each other and speak a strange language.)

Shiro: Did you catch that Aobon?

Ao: Nope I don't get this language.

Kiiro: Money is the universal language! (Hands them both some money) Open sesame boys.

(They begin to EAT the money.)

Kiiro: HEY!!

(He snatches it back.)

Kiiro: Let me have it then!

Aka: Looks like it's my turn at bat.

(She turns to them)

Aka: As the queen of b-da land I DEMAND that you let us in there.

(They look at her strangely.)

Ao: they don't know who you are Akabon, and even if they did they don't understand you.

Kiiro: Some queen you are.

(Aka smacks him with a mallet.)

Shiro: Okay lets go and replan.

(They march back. Meanwhile Melody wants out.)

Melody(Thinking.): They are really nice, but I miss Mummy and Akirabon…and Rui-Rui.

(She looks around.)

Melody: I've got enough strength to fly now so…

(She flaps her wings and heads upward. The others just have planned to run in, and they do so after the guards aren't looking. They get in just as the goddess has turned up missing.)

Chief: Where is the goddess? And who are these fools?

Akira: Where's my sister?!

Chief: The goddess is your sister?

Akira: What goddess?

Chief: Don't play a fool with me boy.

(Then in the strange language, he tells the other villagers to lock the b-da fighting forces up. Melody has just noticed this stage of development from her sky perch.)

Melody: Ah! They came looking and now they're in trouble! I have to do something!

(She heads down, just as the others are being lead away.)

Melody: Stop!!

Chief: Melody-chan! You came back!

Akira: Melodybon!

Melody: Let them go! They're my friends and brother!

(The chief motions to let them go.)

Chief: You're coming back to stay?

Melody: no.

(Everyone of the villagers gasps.)

Melody: I just wanted to say that you guys should learn how to live yourselves. Its okay to have a person to look up to, but you need to experience life the way you want to and not the way some person wants you to live it.

(There are mummers in the crowd.)

Aka: Nice going Melodybon!

Chief: Okay we'll follow what you said and live ourselves!

(There is a cheer.)

Akira: They still don't get it…

Melody: It's close.

(The chief kisses Melody's hand and she takes the others and they all leave. Soon they are at Toikio's lab, and he's ready to turn her back.)

Dr. Toikio: Think about yourself and you'll be back to the norm!

(Melody nods and walks toward the machine. It starts again, and the process is reversed. Soon Melody is back to being a b-da girl.)

Akira: Melodybon!

(She hugs him.)

Akira: Don't ever do that again!!! You scared me!

Shiro: And you Dr. Toikio that machine is too dangerous for us.

Aka: We pass.

Dr Toikio: But but but…

Kiiro: Bye bye.

(Everyone except Melody leaves.)

Dr. Toikio: Does anyone think that this invention was good?

Melody: I did. (Gives him a paper.) This is my number. Call me, and we'll set up another angel appointment.

Dr Toikio: But your brother said…Okay! I'll do just that!

Melody: Come on Rui-Rui!

(Rui-Rui jumps into her arms and they leave.)

Dr. Toikio: I think I just won a fan.

(Melody turns one more time and winks at the doctor.)
-To be continued...-
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