~ Written on 02 Apr 2001


Category Adventure Anime

Episodes 54 (1st season)

~40 (2nd season)







Angemon: Another personal favourite belonging to Takeru. Male version of Angewomon (Hikari's)






Jou's Crest of reliability






Lillymon: Mimi's Ultimate digimon. Actually she's zhong kan bu zhong yong. (Nice to see but not very powerful)

Who are the digidestines? (Chinese names in italics)

Koshiro Izumi (Guang zhi lang)

Izumi is the ultimate computer genius and is very intelligent. He has a theory for every problem or question and is on a constant quest for knowledge.

Crest: Knowledge

Tidbits: Izumi is an adopted child but he only discovers it later in the series when the group returns to Japan to find Hikari. He always carries a laptop and is responsible for hacking into the Digital mainframe and checking on each Digimon's characteristic.




Yamato Ishida (Ah-he)

Yamato tries very hard to be a self-carrying rebel. He does not like to be told what to do, likes to do things his own way and doesn't talk much. In other words, he acts as the coolest guy in the team and is a loner. He tries to cover up his sensitive side and pretends not to care about anyone, which is exposed whenever he jumps in to protect his little brother, Takeru. 

Crest: Friendship

Tidbits: Yamato is always opposing Taichi as he doesn't want to be told what to do. He later leaves the team as he finally realises that his brother has grown up and can take care of himself. However, he realises that he can never be a loner and needs his friends.


Takeru Takaishi (Ah-Wu)

Takeru is Yamato's younger brother. He loves his brother and, despite his young age and sweetness, will do anything for his brother. Innocent, kind, obedient and sweet, he doesn't really to battle but will help in any way he can.

Crest: Hope

Tidbits: Takeru's and Yamato's parents are divorced and Takeru lives with their mother while Yamato lives with their father. He has one of the most powerful Ultimate digimon (Magnaangemon) which only appears towards the end of the series. He is the other digidestine to appear in the second series along with Hikari. The two of them become almost an item in the second season. 


Jou Kido (Ah-zhu)

Jou is a hard worker and a good student who would run from danger if he could. He is however a pessimist and a hypochondriac. He may seem like a coward but is willing to sacrifice all for a good cause or his team-mates.

Crest: Reliability

Tidbits: Jou is the brainy one in the team (other than Izumi). He seems to like Mimi but never does or say anything. Interesting, he is one of the three digidestines who do not wear gloves. The other two are Takeru and Hikari.




Mimi Tachikawa (Meimei)

Mimi may appear at first to be vain, spoiled, whiny, conceded and ditzy. She wears outrageous clothes and has lived a sheltered life. But once you get to know her she is real nice, she will work for the good of a cause and cares deeply for her friends.

Crest: Sincerity

Tidbits: Mimi is dressed like a cow-girl and is always very particular about her looks. She does have a beautiful voice and she sings beautifully. Her Digimon is always reminding her not to get above herself.




Who are their digimons partners?


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