June to August 04

Working on 1114 Lakein on Time Management for 4 Credits. Have submitted quite a few of the assignments required. Should finish this by August.

March to May 04

Working hard on the Website development paper

February 04

Dug out the paper and resent it. Editied and got it reviewed. The paper has been awarded "A" grade.

January 04

Back from holidays. Still no word on the Special Olympics paper.

December 03

I've spent most of this month gathering all the information that I had on Special Olympics and typing out the paper and also reviewing it and getting it ready to publish. I should be able to finish that paper and also the Website development paper this month!

PS: I actually finished the Special Olympics paper and have submitted it before I went on holidays.

November 03

Back to starting the course again! Hopefully I should be successful this time. I am really eager to finish it within the next year. Let us see where this gets me to!

August to October 03

The changes in project have got me stuck again. Working odd hours from Ireland for a client in Australia is a new experience. Maybe I should write a paper on "Follow the Sun" model of working!

February to July 03

I got permission to do a course on Special Olympics which is brilliant. The trainings that I underwent during the past year and during this period for Special Olympics has not only taught me enough stuff for Special Olympics but also for work and life! The games itself was an enlightening experince. I did not realise that I could manage a group of 110 people all by myself. I sure need a break after what has been a real hectic few months.

January 03

As a new year resolution I decided that I should finish my MBA and move on. As a first step I spoke to Dr.Cox who told me that I could do something which combines work and study. And the first thing that came to my mind was that I should do a paper on the Management techniques that I learnt volunteering for Special Olympics. I have written to Lee about this and am eagerly waiting for the response. I should be able to find enough time in the next five days to type up the assignment if he says it is ok. Also my journal should be regular from now on.

September to December 02

The vacation in August followed by a busy three months and another vacation in December brought all my studies to a stand still. I was also busy with Special Olympics.

August 02

By now I've completed reading all the books that I bought for my studies and also all the books that I managed to get from Prakash. Have to get more from the library!

July 02

Another month busy with Special Olympics. This was the first real big meeting. We had the head of delegations coming in from all over and we had to spend a complete weekend meeting these people and getting to know them.

June 02

My unexpected trip to India for 15 days has changed quite a few things. But still I am reading more and more books on my way in to work. My original contract with the current client was only for three months and even after three months I am still here and things haven't changed one single bit. So all my travel time is spent on reading and then I get busy with work.

May 02

With one out of 6 Oracle exams out of the way I could concentrate on reading my MBA related books again. I also managed to get my house mate Prakash's MBA notes and read them. It is interesting to read more books on the same topic and find out the different views of different authors.

I've been involved with Special Olympics 2003 as a volunteer since January and things are getting more serious now with our different trainings starting to take off. The first of the series 'Multi cultural training' was very good. The training was given by Priti Quinn who has lived in 28 different countries - I guess just this is enough to qualify her to give such trainings!

April 02

By now I have got all my books and am managing to read them on my way to work and back. My client has changed and I don't walk to work anymore. The two hour bus ride that I take to work and back has helped me find time to read books everyday. Work has been quite hectic and I can't find time to type up all that I read and learn through the day.

To add to this I've been asked to write Oracle exams from my company. I would be first to go as I am one of the most senior Oracle programmers. I have to study for that as well.

I have to do a presentation to my Oracle study group on how to prepare and appear for the exam. After I finished the presentation I had asked Lee if I could include that as a paper. Lee said I couldn't as when I submit any paper I add in a disclaimer saying the paper did not exist before!

March 02

I  submitted the assignment in old format. Lee went through the paper and was happy with the contents but asked me to change it to a standard format. On 08 March 02 I changed the assignment 2084 Steingold on Human Resource Law to the required format as suggested by my advisor Lee Hargrave and submitted it. This paper was for three credits and he gave me a B grade for the paper. Lee also went through my previous two papers HRE601 The Employment Relationship and HRE602 Management, Unions, and Collective Bargaining and decided based on the work that I had done that the first one should be of 2 Credits and the second one should be of 3 Credits

I also managed to get a few of the required books during this time.

February 02

After a long time I decided to get back to my studies again. I managed to write to the unversity and get more information. I changed my course plan, reduced the number of courses and incresed the number of credits so by writing as much as ten 3 credit papers I can finish my course. This will not only make things interesting but also useful as when I concentrate on only ten papers I tend to do more research on the selected few and gain more knowledge.

Lee Hargrave has been assigned as my new advisor. I have started working on the next assignment that I found the book for. My evenings are free and I can find time to sit with the assignment nearly every day.
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