On March 1, the California Supreme Court ruled that Sacramento’s Catholic Charities must offer prescription contraceptives in its employee health insurance. If this judgment is upheld, the Church will face this dilemma: What comes first – her teachings or her works of charity?
For many people the teaching on contraception does not seem worth defending. However, more is at stake than meets the eye. To begin with, many chemical forms of birth control involve the possibility of early abortion. Although they may not tell it to their patients, most medical doctors and pharmacists will admit that the Pill, Norplant, Depo Provera, “emergency contraception,” etc. sometimes work by preventing the implantation of a newly conceived human embryo.* For us - and for most Evangelical Christians - this is abortion.
The fact that chemical birth control, as well as the IUD, are potential abortifacients is a matter of grave concern. But even the act of preventing conception has problems. What it says to the other person is this: “Do something about your fertility. I want you to be available any time I desire you.” Birth control has been called “the silent killer.” Like high blood pressure, people usually don't realize anything is wrong - but it eventually takes it toll. It is hard to ignore the correlation between the introduction of the Pill in the late 50's and the subsequent increase of divorce rates in our society.
Some people think that contraception and Natural Family Planning (NFP) are the same thing. They are not. NFP is based on appreciating fertility, making observations to recognize when that singular gift is present and when it is not. Contraception, on the other hand, seeks to do away with fertility, to banish that gift. While overall divorce rates have sky rocketed, it is significant that among those who use NFP, the divorce rate is very low. This true even for couples who practice it not for religious reasons, but for health considerations.** It involves some work - and maybe even some derision - but it brings real benefits.
We need to face a hard fact. Our acceptance of birth control has paved the way for other things. In vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, frozen human embryos, cloning, gay marriage, all involve a similar breaking of the bond between procreation and the marital embrace.
A person who absorbs the contraceptive mentality has little ground to object when two men or two women demand equal rights for their radically infertile union. If there is nothing wrong with birth control, it is hard to say what is wrong with same sex marriage - or, indeed, any sexual activity outside of marriage. We risk becoming like King Lear. He gave away his kingdom, and then could only impotently rage about what the new rulers did with it.
The present push for “gay marriage” should be a wake-up call. The first step has to be an examination our own consciences. It's easy to condemn others, easier still to simply drift with the current. But it takes courage and an open heart to ask the following questions: How have I used - and abused - the gift of sexuality? And what can I do to help set things aright?
The Church, if she is faithful to Jesus, will not “move with the times.” On issues such as birth control and the sanctity of marriage, her message must be the same as his:
*The Planned Parenthood website gave this information about oral contraceptives:
The "Pill" is the common name for oral contraception. There are two basic types– combination pills and progestin-only pills. Both are made of hormones like those made by a woman's ovaries. Combination pills contain both estrogen and progestin. Both kinds of pills require a medical evaluation and prescription.Both pills can prevent pregnancy. But they work differently. Combination pills usually work by preventing a woman's ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation). Progestin-only pills also can prevent ovulation. But they usually work by thickening the cervical mucus. This keeps sperm from joining with an egg. Combination pills also thicken cervical mucus. Both types of pill can also prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus.
What they call a "fertilized egg" is what you and I once were - a tiny human being complete with the genetic information it has taken the Human Genome Project over a decade to map. Different from its mom or dad, it already has a dynamic life of its own.
Germaine Greer stated it this way, “These days, contraception is abortion, because the third-generation Pills cannot be shown to prevent sperm fertilizing an ovum.”
**NFP could - at least in theory - be used selfishly. However it has built-in mechanisms (the discipline of periodic abstinence, respect for woman as woman and for the integrity of the human body, the constant attention to life giving aspect of sexuality, etc.) which help prevent such abuse.
Article by Protestant minister: Save Marriage? It's Too Late. (The Pill made same-sex nuptials inevitable)
From Mark Shea: I hope the Catholics of California tell the CA Supreme Court to go to hell (comments are worth worth reading)
For engaged couples who wish to learn about NFP – and for married couples who need help in practicing it – there are some local resources. Dr. Gina Landicho, M.D. has opened a clinic which is contraceptive free: Mary’s Family Medicine, 425-883-8050. Katherine Eames, 206-230-0455, has information on Instructors in the Billing Method, including Dr. Bill Perez, M.D. and his wife Shelly. Scott and Marie Elmenhurst, 425-788-2453, offer courses locally in the Sympto-Thermal Method.
Mary Bloom Center for Natural Family Planning
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Birth Control (by Protestants Against Birth Control)
The Preacher and the Pill (How the Church and feminism gave a woman control of her body)
Artificial birth control as a major root cause of poverty: Keynote Address to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Gathering, May 16, 1997.
What Every Catholic Couple Should Know
Why Humanae Vitae Was Right An excellent book on the Birth Control Debate edited by Dr. Janet Smith
Review of Why Humanae Vitae Was Right
A clear and concise Summary of Church Teaching on Contraception
Chemical Abortions (Interview with Dr. Thomas Hilgers, M.D.)
To plan or postpone pregnancy: Billings Method
Cukierski Family Apostolate
"Not Your Mother's Birth Control"
What is the Difference between NFP and Birth Control?
He Approached the Victim: "It's much more likely one of your relatives will lose his life by surgical abortion than by heart attack."
Surviving as a Catholic Family (Archbishop Charles Chaput reflects on the difference between Birth Control and Natural Family Planning)
Stem Cell Research: Teaching of Bible & Catholic Church
Human Cloning: A Catholic Perspective (How the Unthinkable Became Inevitable)
Boston Globe's Misleading Article on Catholic Church
Deflating Darwin's Dangerous Idea
Stephen Jay Gould: Gorbachev of Darwinism?
Test Tube Offspring Want to Know Father
Bicentennial Man (Hidden Assumptions)
Bogus Knights of Columbus Oath
Ossuary of James, Son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus
Magdalene Sisters and other anti-Catholic Pornography (Warning: Contains graphic descriptions.)
Dr. Leroy Hood - Institute Systems Biology: Cloning & Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Pictures of Institute for Systems Biology
Good Friday Service for Life vs. Dr. Leroy Hood's Support of Cloning & Embryonic Stem Cell Research