The Philippine's Highest Mountains

                                (The 9,000-footers)

Mountain              Elevation (ft)            Range                           Island
1. Mt Apo                          9689                                                     Mindanao
2. Mt Dulang-Dulang         9637                 Kitanglad                     Mindanao 
3. Mt Pulog                        9610                 Cordillera                    Luzon
4. Mt Kitanglad                  9509                 Kitanglad                     Mindanao
5. Mt Tabayac                    9322                 Cordillera                    Luzon
6. Mt Piapayungan             9233                                                     Mindanao

(The 8,000-footers)

7. Mt Maagnaw                  8994                 Kitanglad                     Mindanao
8. Mt Singakalca                8915                Cordillera                     Luzon
9. Mt Amuyao                    8863                Cordillera                     Luzon
10. Mt Kapiligan                8758                 Cordillera                     Luzon
11. Mt Cawit                      8754                 Cordillera                     Luzon
12. Mt Abao                       8731                 Cordillera                     Luzon
13. Mt Osdung                   8584                 Cordillera                     Luzon
14. Mt Lumuluyaw            8567                  Cordillera                    Luzon
15. Mt Halcon                    8482                                                     Mindoro
16. Mt Alchanon                8449                 Cordillera                     Luzon
17. Mt Cauitan                  8426                 Cordillera                     Luzon
18. Mt Baco                       8161                                                     Mindoro
19. Mt Kanla-on                8085                                                      Negros
20. Mt Bangbanglang        8082                  Cordillera                    Luzon
21. Mt Pawoi                     8056                 Cordillera                    Luzon
22. Mt Sapacoy                  8056                 Cordillera              Luzon                          


Philippine Mountains and Peaks
Luzon Mountains and Peaks
Mindanao Mountains and Peaks
         Luzon, the second largest island in the Philippine Archipelago, has the greatest concentration of the country's highest peaks (above 8,000 ft.) like Mt Pulog, particularly in its Cordillera Range. A member-island, Mindoro, is one among four islands in the country with at least an 8,000-footer.
         Mt Kanla-on, the highest in the Visayas, is only the 9th highest peak in the country. Compensating for their not-so-high elevations, several Visayan peaks have great forest and spectacular vistas. Mt Madja-as (Panay Is) and Mt Cuernos de Negros (Negros Is) are among the popular peaks in the Visayas.
Visayas Mountains and Peaks
         Aptly as the biggest island in the country, Mindanao Is has Mt Apo - the highest peak in the country. Moreover, Mindanao claims four of only six mountains with an elevation above 9,000 ft. - Mt. Dulang-Dulang, Mt Kitanglad, Mt Piapayungan and, of course, Mt Apo.
         With 7,100 islands, the Philippines is grouped into three island-groups - Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The Philippine mountains are volcanic in origin and, in general, have moderate elevation. Situated in the tropical latitude, these mountains have tropical vegetation. There are no alpine summits in the country like the 13,455-foot Mt Kinabalu in Malaysia. (A tropical mountain must reach an elevation of at least 11,500 ft to be able to acquire alpine conditions. Significantly, the equatorial 16,503-foot Puncak Jaya (or Carstensz Pyramid) in Indonesia is an alpine mountain.)
Top-5 Important National Mountaineering
               Destination (INMD)
1.) Mt Apo - the highest in Mindanao  and the Philippines
2.) Mt Pulog - the highest in Luzon
3.) Mt Kanla-on - the highest in the Visayas
4.) Mt Halcon - regarded as the most hazardous
5.) Mt Guiting-Guiting - regarded as the most difficult to climb
Popular Mountains and Peaks Nationwide

        1. Mt Banahaw
        2. Mt Mayon
        3. Mt Makiling
        4. Mt Pinatubo
        5. Mt San Cristobal
        6. Mt Maculot
        7. Mt Mantalingajan

        1. Mt Madja-as
        2. Mt Cuernos de Negros (Talinis)
        3. Mt Mandalagan
        4. Mt Pangasugan
        5. Mt Manunggal
        1. Mt Kitanglad
        2. Mt Candalaga
        3. Mt Dulang-Dulang
        4. Mt Hibok-Hibok
        5. Mt Malindang
        6. Mt Sumagaya
        7. Mt Lumot

Mt Manaphag
Situated in Pan de Azucar Is off the coast of Concepcion town in Iloilo, Mt Manaphag is possibly the steepest peak in the country. The climbs of Western Visayas mountaineers utilized the Ponting Trail in the northern side of the mountain. The First Ascent of the South Face (without trail) was performed by the Victorias Climbing Party from April 12-15, 2001. The East Face, rocky and steep like the South Face, remains unchallenged.

Peaks in the Northern Negros Forest Reserve
The backcountry peaks in the NNFR ranges from a moderate elevation of 3,400 ft to 6,100 ft yet they're among the most challenging in the country. Their dense forest, sharp features and generally difficult approaches provide the difficulty of challenge to rival those major peaks in the country. They could be climbed from three to seven days.
            The title, "Snow Leopard", is conferred by Russian mountaineers to a climber who has climbed all the four tallest peaks in former Soviet Union - Mt Elbrus, Pik Lenin, Pik Khan Tengri and Pik Pobedy. In like manner, the SB has been considering to confer the title, "NNFR Wildcat", to anyone who has climbed all the great peaks in the NNFR - Mt Silay, Sewahon Pk (Sicaba-Daku), Mt Mandalagan and Magkurog Pk. So far, only Magkurog Pk and Mt Mandalagan remain unclimbed to the SB.
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Singarong Backpackers (c) 2001. All Rights Reserve.
REFERENCES: The main reference of this list of mountains and peaks is the "Rodol Map" 1956. While it may have the most extensive compilation of mountains and peaks in the Philippines, the Rodol Map lacks pertinent data, in particular, about the very high mountains in the Kitanglad Range in Mindanao (i.e. Mt Dulang-Dulang, Mt Kitanglad, etc.), the high mountains in Panay Is (i.e. Mt Nangtud and Mt Madja-as) and the moderately high mountains in Negros Is (i.e. Mt Cuernos de Negros and Mt Guinsayawan). To bridge the gap, the missing mountains were culled from other sources. However, in the process of accretion, some new names that cropped up were intentionally omitted for fear that they merely appear in the guise of a currupted or variant name of those present in the Rodol Map. For instance, Mt Sapacoy (2456m) in the Rodol Map must also be Mt Saporay (2456m) in other sources.
            Oftently, the figures of elevation for the same mountain may vary from one source to another. As a rule, in case of conflict the Rodol Map figure is maintained. Significantly, the author of this compilation refered to an old edition that does not reflect the updated political subdivisions, specifically of provinces. Some provinces like Leyte, Samar and Cotabato for example has already been subdivided into two or more new provinces. Due to the haste and difficulty in the compilation of this list, it is therefore possible that true province may not be reflected correctly.