My Beverly appreciation society, the BELT club Beverly info, gallery etc. Read my Picard/Crusher stories here Links to some of my favourite Trek sites Me, myself and I
Picard/Crusher Fanfiction Stories
'The Big Goodbye'
Listed below are my P/C stories for you to enjoy.
If you check back in a few weeks there'll be more up, so don't think this is it! There are more to come! For a full apology visit the About Me section.
NB: Obviously all these stories are 'short' stories, but the ones in the short stories section are really very short - just good ideas that needed little elaboration.
NEW!! Digging Up Secrets
Sometime in TNG
Adventures on the holodeck
At the Starfleet Ball
A night out on the tiles for Jean-Luc and Beverly.
I'd Do Anything...
Whenever you like
A shoreleave story set in France.
Coffee and Croissants
Sometime in TNG
It's the morning after...
Girlie Gossip
Sometime in TNG
A story comprised only of speech
Set on a hill not too far from Labarre
Short Stories:
A Quick Drink
Sometime in TNG
A New Year's Eve party gets out of hand
Not long after the end of TNG
Based on the quote from Attached..."I love firelight."
Whenever you like
Awww...what we all know SHOULD have happened after Nemesis!
The Attached Fanlist 'Unspoken' Join the P/C fanlist for codes like this and links to other P/C fans' sites! The Gates and Patrick Fanlist 'Endurings'
The Big Goodbye Fanlist 'Too Real' The Beverly Crusher Fanlist
This page and design are copyright so no stealing anything of mine. That includes stories - all these were written my me, Steph/beverlypicard4eva/thedancingdoctor, and therefore I own them.
Beverly Crusher and all other Star Trek things used are owned by Paramount Studios. I mean no harm in worshipping Beverly or using anything else created by them!!! I'm just providing enertainment for Trek fans worldwide!
Beverly and Jean-Luc in 'The Chase' - ahh my favourite picture!
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