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This page was inspired by the ever-informative Memory Alpha site so thanks to them. This is basically the same as MA but with some non-canon stuff as well as Trek 'fact'. Hope you find it useful and fun!! Most non-canon info is in itallics.
Beverly, 2375
Personnel File - Crusher, Doctor Beverly
Full name:
Date of birth:
Marital Status:
Current position:
Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher
13th October 2324 Copernicus City, Luna
Paul and Isobel Howard (human)
Widow of Jack Crusher 2354, married 2348
Wesley Robert Crusher, born July 2349
Chief Medical Officer, USS
A Brief Beverly Timeline:
2324 --- Beverly Howard born on 13th October, Copernicus City, Luna
2327 ---
Parents died in Ubarrak attack on their research vessel, moved  to Federation colony Arvada III with grandmother
2337 --- Arvada III disaster, Beverly helps look after the injured and sick
2340 --- Moved to Caldos colony with grandmother
2342 --- Entered Starfleet Medical Academy
2344 --- Met Jean-Luc Picard and Jack Crusher
2348 --- Married Jack Crusher
2349 --- Had son, Wesley Robert Crusher
2350 --- Completed Medical Academy
2352 --- Did medical internship under Dalen Quaice on planet Delos IV
2354 --- Jack died in accident, continued to work in Starfleet
2362 --- Attained rank of Commander after passing bridge officer's exam
2364 --- Took post as CMO on USS
Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard
2365 --- Accepted post as head of Starfleet Medical
2366 --- Returned to the
Enterprise (because she couldn't bear to be away for long)

*more from TNG soon to be added*

2370 --- Felisa Howard dies on Caldos IV. Beverly resigns from Starfleet in order to stay with Ronin on Caldos, but on discovering his true identity she destroys him and               goes back to Starfleet.
2379 --- Accepted post as head of Starfleet Medical...again...

...but if you've read Death in Winter you'll know that...nah, I won't spoil it for you! Michael Jan Friedman (author), I love you xxx
Beverly Howard
Beverly was born on Luna, called 'the moon' by all inhabitants. According to fanfiction, her parents died in an Ubarrak attack on thier research vessel when she was only three and a half. There is no information on the Ubarrak or how or why they attacked th research vessel, nor do we know which vessel it was.With no parents, Beverly moved with her grandmother Felisa Howard, affectionately called Nana, to the Federation colony on planet Arvada III. Arvada is actually a city in Colorado, USA.

As a young girl Beverly had trouble with answering back to others, and had to learn how to control her quick tongue, not to mention her temper. At the age of eight she got her first crush when she 'fell in love' with Stefan, an eleven year old footballer. She created a fantasy world in her head where Stefan was an artist and they had three children, twin boys and a girl. In reality he didn't know she existed. How sweet.

At the age of thirteen Beverly dyed her red hair brunette to escape from peer pressure at school, but "couldn't change it back quick enough!"

On Arvada Felisa Howard had a small garden in which she grew vegetables and herbs, and these proved useful at the Arvarda disaster curing the injured and ill.
The novel Death in Winter has a lot more information about the Arvada disaster.Damn good book! It apparently involved an alien race seeking Federation help treating a disease they had, which the Romulans had refused to help them with. The disease eventually spread to humans and several of the colonists died. Beverly later found the cure to this disease when working in Starfleet.

Beverly thought of Caldos as her home until she married Jack.
At the Arvarda disaster she was fourteen years old so she and Felisa must have moved to the Caldos colony sometime in Beverly's mid-teens, my timeline says sixteen. At eighteen she entered Starfleet Medical academy, having been inspired to become a doctor by helping the sick and dying on Arvada and vowing that she would never let anyone suffer like that again. The academy is located in San Francisco along with the regular Starfleet Academy.

The duration of medical school is eight years.
Four years Starfleet training and four medical training? At sometime during Medical school Beverly won several awards at a dance competition in St Louis and gained her loathed nickname, 'The Dancing Doctor' - check out my e-mail address!

In 2344 Beverly met her future husband Jack at the Academy, and also Jean-Luc Picard
(potential other future husband!). There is little information about Jack's age anywhere. At that time he was serving on the Stargazer with Picard, who is nineteen years older than Beverly, having been born in 2305. Jack was probably a little younger than Jean-Luc, a little older than Beverly. That's my guess anyway. Whatever.

Beverly married Jack in San Francisco in 2348. He proposed by sending her a gag gift - a book called 'How to Further your Career through Marriage' - which shows he had a very corny sense of humour, like Beverly only
much worse.

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