Sept. 11, 2000
Your Mission Should You Decide to Except.............
Hi, my name is Sidney (left) and this is my little sister Sidedish (right) who I can abuse at will but don't very often because she is getting mean as a snake in her old age and doesn't like it when I jump right in the big middle of her like I used to when she was a baby. Now we team up to take out crime in and around the Greater Bossier Parish area. Yes our mission is to boldy, yes I say boldly go and do as we please anywhere, anytime and anyplace we so desire. Uh oh, Mom is coming! Maybe she won't see that last statement. Being two formidable Jack Russell's or so we think, we do believe that the neighborhood is ours for the taking and watch out to any stray dog, cat, kid or critter. Basically we are cool but you know you have to get your bluff in or everyone ignores you and you know we can't have that. On the following pages we have stories that you just wouldn't believe. Mostly of me getting in some kind of trouble for something that I might have done or could have done but probably didn't do. Yea right and if you believe that I have a bridge for sale in........
Once you get a chance to look through our pages PLEASE come back and sign our guestbook. We love visitors and may even give you a chewie.
The best page of course is mine.Sidney's Page It tells in more detail my likes and dislikes and of course another picture of me. That in itself is worth the effort.
Now on the Space Dog's Page we have pictures of our friends and stories of things we do best. DIG? Yes dig! dig! dig! This page is dedicated to all the things me and Sidedish dig up. To qualify you must have dug up newly planted flowers that your Mom just planted, put crator size holes in the yard where someone can trip and kill themselves or dug under any type of fencing to explore the cold cruel world. Does this sound like you? Send us a picture and you can be added to the infamous digging detail. The pics need to be pretty small although I can crop them for you. You see, Mom lets me play with the scanner that she got but she won't let me chew on the couch legs. Go figure!
For a blow by blow account of my adventures with Mr. Mouse and friends you will want to read my nationally acclaimed page: Sidney's Mouse Escapades You see, we keep score. Not to brag but I'm getting better and better at this everyday. Go see who is or the mice!
Sidedish's Page is quite unique but she drones on about herself........BORRRRRRRING, but you'll have to see for yourself. By the way, I found the key to Sidedish's Diary and read all about her love affair with some dude named Peanut.(Note from Sidedish....Don't listen to her, my page is far better than hers)
On ourChain Links Page and meet our buddies and see our awards. AWESOME!! Some of our best friends have been made through the Dog Rings that are listed. For a quarter we'll let you read the list.
Guess what else, we went on a safari. We got to chase critters atOur First Dogtrial...What a Hoot! Lions and tigers and bears...oh my! Well not really but they did have critters that they let us chase. Don't take my word for it. Go read about it.
Our big sister
Shadow now has a page. She is what they call a "flop earred dog", but Mom says we love her anyway.
Scooby our new "little big" sister is an Australian Sheperd and she finally gets a say so on her page. Talking about Amazon women. She started out cute and smaller than us but she apparently ingested some super hormones and well you'll just have to see this for yourself.
Sidney has gone into the investigation business. Nothing escapes those twitching whiskers as she always "gets her man." Check out The Case of the Missing Hostess Snoball.
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edited Jan 2001