My name is Scooby. Sometimes Scoobs, scoober doober, The Scoobmeister, fuzz dog and other things that aren't necessarily fit to print. I live to chew and chase balls my mom hits with the bat. She belts them out across our back pasture and of course I go and get them and bring them back. I don't know why that ball won't stay up here where its suppose to be but being the natural herder that I am I go and get it and bring it home. I will also do this for small children and the neighbors goats. If the goats and kids get mixed up its no problem, I just bring them both back. To me its all the same, you run away, I bring you back. Life is good!!! One day Mom looked outside and I had managed to have 3 small children, four goats, a few softballs and my two little sisters (Jack Russells) all penned up in the carport. Thats a day that will go down in infamy. Kids were crying, goats were baa-ing, (I'm not sure what the plural of baa is) my sisters were snapping at the goats heels and yapping and with quick lightening moves I managed to keep everyone in the carport. Oh what a day! Unfortunately the kids parents, the goats owners and Mom weren't all that thrilled. Some people you just can't please.
Want to see my baby pictures? No? Good! Don't look at this unbelievably cute picture
Now I'm all grown up and play softball with the little girls softball team. I play the entire outfield but I only bring it back to Mom so she has to be running to which ever base we need to go to make an out. The thing is most of these little girls can't hit it out of the infield so I'm not always busy. When I can't take it anymore, I sneak into the infield and lend my support. This is me making the third out for the inning and retiring the side stopping only long enough to pose for this snapshot. Mark McQuire watch out.
My sisters have adventures of their own. They are Jack Russells and they cause Mom all sorts of grief. Read about Sidney running after mice or their competing in a Go-To-Ground Contest.
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