Side Order of Ninjas

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If you want a banner for just save to your own website and give me some warning. Not warning, I'm just vain enough to want to know about the people thinking my site is groovy and hep.

Beware of monkeys that want to hump your faces....

Official Rogue Reviewers Affiliated sites
The Rogue Reviewers Homepage - The Official Homepage of the Rogue Reviewers! You'll find a current roster of our members, IRC Chat Logs, links to all of the Rogue Roundtable Reviews, and a list of requirements to become a member!
Rogue Cinema - The official Webzine of the Rogue Reviewers. Articles, interviews, a growing forum, too. In fact everything and a bag of chips...
The Rogue Reviewers Review Links Directory - Wanna know how good a certain flick is? Just use the nifty search feature to find their reviews! Currently there are more than 1,000 reviews!
The Rogue Reviewer's Fan Club - The official fanclub of the Rogue Reviewers! If you enjoy any or all of the Rogue Reviewer websites, join the fan club to get the latest news and updates, and to give us all your feedback! Come out and support the Rogue Reviewers!

Rogue Reviewers sites
Bad Movie Guy - Brian is cuts to the core of the movie to answer the immortal question does it suck?
B-Movie Central - Duane's site is simply one of the best on the web. He painstakingly types up his reviews (which come complete with screen shots of the characters and a movie clip) and articles, has a gigantic list of all the DVD's he owns, and forums full of b-movie goodness!
The B-Movie Film Vault - Enter the Vault to read reviews for creature features, zombie flicks, cult films, and other b-movies. Also be sure to check out the A.K.A. Page, gawk at his huge B-Movie Collection, and read articles on a variety of topics!
Cinebomb Jonathon is covers from Baby Geniuses 2 to Theodore Rex, he is definitely one of us...
Dante's Inferno and All Night Video Store - Dante is the veteran of our group. He's reviewed tons of flicks (mostly bad action movies) and give details into what's wrong with the military uniforms in the movies. And has some great articles in his Infernal Rants section.
Death By Cinema - Dave is the new guy so new not got to see his site yet...
Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard - Tim covers a lot of the 50s style of movie. Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow is a movie not a Scooby Doo episode...
Side Order of Ninjas - Why go anywhere else? You are here, enjoy my ninjalisciousness...derived mainly from the pituitary glands of "willing" donors. They all donated after losing challenges to me...After all, I'm the Hardcore Legend of Ninjaball...
Varied Celluloid - They cover just about anything they can get his hands on including: cult films, spaghetti westerns, kung-fu movies, and much more! This site is a pleasure to spend time in!

B-Masters Cabal sites
1000 MISSPENT HOURS AND COUNTING - The time acknowledged to watching so many movies almost wakes me weep. Pick almost any genre and there are some movies there.
And You Call Yourself a Scientist?! - Liz has reviewed tons of b-movies, as well as horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films. While visiting also be sure to go to the Immortal Dialogue section.
Bad Movie Report - Dr. Freex has waded through some pretty strange movies and has his experiences working on the movie Forever Evil
Braineater - Braineater can make House of the Dead well not entertaining atleast informative...
ColdFusionVideo - Just a good b-movie site... Don't take my word, go there yourself...
Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension - A well established b-movie review website with some of the most in depth reviews I've ever layed eyes on 162K for BattleField Earth !!!
Stomp Tokyo - A veritable empire on the world wide web. This is pretty much the flagship of their b-movie armada. Though they cover tons of giant monster films, cover many other types of films in the b-movie genre.
Teleport City - Covering ground ignored by many of the other B-Movie sites. Bollywood, Spaghetti Westerns, Filipino Midget Spy movies Check.... One of my favorite sites around. They even have acknowledged my existence....sweet....
The Unknown Movies Page - Greywizard revels in the "obscure, unknown, and little shown." He has a plethora of reviews for a great deal many obscurities. And he's always happy to lend a hand in seeking out an unknown movie that you may be searching for.

Other B-Movie Review Sites
3-B Theater - An amazing B-Movie review website! It has great graphics, and plenty of informative reviews that will make you laugh out loud! Another site linking to mine.
The Agony Booth - Albert covers a lot of terrible films and he gives you a complete recap of each one, with plenty of funny and sarcastic comments throughout.
Army of Monkeys - I have never seen a movie site that loves Bollywood movies anywhere near as much as they do.
Atomic Nightmare Theater - Matt's site has nice helping of reviews for classic Horror, Sci-Fi, Exploitation, Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Kung Fu, Fantasy and action films! Be sure to check it all out!
Bad Movie Planet - Not only is Badmovie Planet a host to three great b-movie review websites, but it also has a HUGE and growing links section!
B-Movie Memory Bank - A collection of links to various B-Movie review sites to peruse so you don't have to search for them yourself. - "A website to the detriment of good film" Verily, verily a great review site with images, wavs and mpegs to download.
The B-Hive - Stefan has suffered through many a bad movie and his reviews are pretty good (just gotta love the "WHERE ARE THEY NOW" section!).
B-Notes - The Enigmatic Apostic has written some of the best and most in depth reviews for many b-movies. And each has an outline, too... Making it seem that much respectable
Brucesploitation - Want to learn about Bruce Lee, his movies, and about true Bruce-Sploitation....
Darksider's Realm - Mark has a great site with some strange movies I never heard of before. He also seems to be the chief promoter of Hard Rock Zombies...
The Duck Speaks - A site that not only goes over the movie but the book that inspired it.
The Dungeon - Neo has completely taken over the Dungeon now and has been updating it like a madman. He's got reviews, random thoughts, recipes, and much more!
Eccentric Cinema - Brian's site is the ninth wonder of the world. The layout is beautiful, his reviews are spectacular, and he clearly loves the cult movies he reviews.
Foywonder - Formely Schlocktoberfest. Anyone who admits they paid to see a Vampire in Brooklyn has to be respected.
Gangrene Widescreen - This is an extremely new site that is uber cool and has a deep abiding love of utter incompetence in horror movies....
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - Affiliate of Coldfusionvideo and interesting movies reviewed: Left Behind and Last Unicorn on the same site.
Independent Thought Alarm - Matt has an impressive number of reviews archived and has a column, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on Moviepoopshoot.
Leila's Vampire Movie Guide - Truly one of the best vampire movie sites out there.
Million Monkey Theater - This site is far more than just a great name. Some of the reviews are for some truly old school sci-fi movies from the hey-day of the flying saucer on a string.
The Monkeyhouse Lounge - Todd's site is a wonder to behold. He covers a wide variety of movies. From mainstream blockbusters to direct-to-video schlock, Todd is there!
MonsterHunter - Unfortunately, he decided to call it quits after 600 reviews. However, interesting reviews where some of the strangest things come up, Arkansas midget?
Movie Monsters - A newer site that has quite a number of good reviews to keep you from doing anything useful: the true mark of excellence.
Monster Shack - Dennis has no connection to any television series on the Discovery Channel. He has survived a few of the most painful movies around like Teenagers from Outer Space
Movie Parrot - Ever crave to look up some movie quotes. Here's your site..
Mutant Orange Version 2.0 - Kenneth's site has changed more than the presidency of Argentina! He's got tons of reviews (complete with screenshots)!
Mutant Reviewers From Hell - They've got enough reviews to truly live up to their name...
The Netherworld - Marco runs the first, best, and only b-movie site in Mexico. Currently he's in the process of building a new version of the site, so a lot of what you see is old news. What's really great about his site though is that it caters to bilingual individuals!
Night of the Creeps - A site that unfortunately hasn't been updated in years but is truly one of the most warped and profane horror review sites that graced the web.
Oh the Humanity! - Yet another site that isn't updated anymore (such a sad sight to see really). But don't let that stop you from looking at everything that's already there! Any site that rates movies with dancing naked girls in the open credits must be given mad props...
Painful Cinema - Frederik enjoys reviewing horrible and obscure films (and educational shorts). Wait did I say reviewing? I meant destroying! Maybe he's ruthless in his judgements, usually he's right on the money.
Prison Flicks - Prison movies from Women in Prison flicks, musicals, etc....If it's in a prison, it's serving time here...
Savage Cinema - Horror webzine with reviews and articles definitely a site to watch
Schlockaudio - Charles has a unique idea: manic audio reviews of B-movies.
Severen's World of Really Awful Movies - Nichele seems to enjoy picking the worst ones she can find, scraping the bottom of the cinematic barrel since January 2002.
Spandex Cinema - A new movie site devoted to comic book movies.
Steamed Prawn Buns - You must respect any site that combines food and a deep abiding love of martial arts movies and a lot of killer animal movies, too.
Trash Compactor - This isn't a review site but is the "cathedral of cool" with links to numerous B-movie sites among others, too.
Web - Troy focuses more on B-Horror films! His site has tons of reviews for movies and books, and sections concerning Scream Queens and Horror Film Idols! This site is a must see!

Actual celebrity sites...
Bruce Campbell - Anyone who that is on my site and doesn't know who BRUCE CAMPBELL is has problems. Serious problems...
Joe Bob Briggs - Monstervision and possibly the greatest experts on drive in movies and most B-movies in general.
Weird Al Yankovic - The greatest parody singer of all time.

B-Series and Movies
Beer Muscles - The epic movie of a town's beer taken and only a superpowered bartender can return the supply.
B-Hive TV - Coming soon, the televison show for trailers and short for sci-fi, horror, and thrillers...

Comic book links
ComicBook Resources - Great news site for the wonderful world of comic books
Dave's Long Box - Anyone who goes into that much detail about Avengers Unplugged 3 deserves mad props...
Marvel Directory - If you have any idea of what the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe is.
Polite Dissent - Medical reviews of comic books.
Uncanny X-Men - Where to get your fix of figuring out what is going on in the wonderful world of the X-books.

Subject Cinema - A new podcast that has some truly great discussions from MST3K, superheroes, and beyond...

8-Bit Theatre - Ever want to see how truly brillant the original Final Fantasy characters are? By the way, BLACK MAGE RULEZ!!!
Comp Sci - the Comic - The names have been changed to slightly protect the innocent. This is the only webcomic that features me as a character. So truly quality ensues...
Hello Cthulhu - What happens when Hello Kitty and Lovecraft are combined? Hilarity truly ensues...
Sluggy Freelance - It is Sluggy!!! It is Nifty!!!! Need I say more...

Various links
A Flock of Segers - Imagine combining bands and movies to create some very twisted and funny ideas.
Alien Legend - The infamous Burke cocoon scene in Aliens . You haven't heard about it? Ever wondered about the deleted scenes from any of the Alien movies? That's just the tip of this facehugger as it delves into more than I could summarize. Go see it for yourself and marvel at it....
Museum of Bad Album Covers - The site that won't let the world forget the Ethel Merman Disco album...
MST3K Info Page - Do you need to know about MST3K? If so go there...
Poobala - The definitive website trying to connect television shows into shared worlds. Who knew Team Knight Rider was in the same universe as Star Trek?
Urban Legends Reference Pages - Ever need to know about some urban legends and not the crappy horror franchise..
WrestleCrap - Characters, plotlines the wrestling companies wish you'd forget....