About Us: |
The Siena College Model United Team tackles the issues of international diplomacy while representing a sovereign nation at the annual Harvard Model United Nations Confrence each Februrary. The team size varies from year to year, but generally is about 20 members strong. The goal of the team is to represent the assigned nation to the very best of its ability while always remembering to have fun. Ready to join click here to Apply!!! |
What is the United Nations and Model United Nations??: |
The United Nations is a global body of nations that convenes to address the common needs of the global community. This body was founded in the aftermath of World War II to prevent war and violence. Almost every nation sends a delegation to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Vienna. Each nation sits on various assigned commitees. Delegates debate and compromise with the goal of reaching resoultions that work towards the greater good while respecting each nations rights. Model United Nations is an exact mock up of the real United Nations. Where each school is a delegation of a country and two members of the team sit on each commitee The topics you will debate as a MUN delegate are real world issues that encompass every field area from science and economics to poltical science and human rights. Making this team a fun way to learn and expand your knowledge regardless of your major. Wanna be a part of this experence apply today!!! |
Why is playing UN Important? |
While it may seem petty and stupid to debate issues and spent time in an imaginary world. The experience you will have as a MUN team member will be valuable to you long after you leave college. Employers want some one that is well versed in world affairs and MUN gives you the tools to be a well informed employee. Furthermore, the ability to speak in public is critical to surival in any profession, and MUN affords team members with the oppturnity to expand their ablity to communicate ideas cleary. Don't forget about the fun. You'll travel to Boston and New York. Stay in a gourgeous hotel and have a great dinner all paid for by the college. Plus the people from every corner of the world you will meet will become friends you will have for life. What are you waiting for? Apply!!!!!!! |
This Page Created and Maintained by Siena College Model United Nations. Its sole purpose is to inform students about our club.This site is not in any way affilated with Siena College. Siena College, its adminstration, and faculity are not responsible for the views posted on this webpage. Material of Siena College Model United Nations 2004 rights reserved |