Karate and Kobudo
Lee and I are very big fans of martial arts since we were little tots.  Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Samo Hung, Michelle Yeoh...you name it , we've probably watched it!

We are martial artists, too (not as good as those names mentioned above, but martial artists anyway).  Currently, students of Okinawan Isshinryu Karate and Kobudo - Sadlier, Australia, under Renshi Robert Slywa, 5th Dan.

My husband used to do karate and aikido (for a little while) when he was still in the Philippines.  Sadly he had to stop because his teacher stopped teaching on the account that he was his only student at the time.

When their whole family migrated to Australia in 1987, Lee had another chance to continue with karate at the Zanshin Shotokan honbu dojo in Sydney.  It became a bit  difficult for him to travel from Liverpool to the City (and of course by this time he became a slave of his guitar) so he stopped doing martial arts altogether.

After 10 years (and after marrying me!) Lee started to do karate with the new missus.  That was actually the first time I got introduced to the martial arts worldand I've never looked back since then.

Many thanks to the GKR (Go Kan ryu) people going door to door to sell karate for $5 each class, Lee got back and got me into it.  We stayed with them for about two years (since 1998)...on and off.  Of course by this time our family was slowly growing from 2...to 3...to FOUR.  It was during this time that we found Tactical Defense Studio in Sadlier, NSW, Australia.  We started with the weapons class and saw that they also held Isshinryu karate classes...so we did the move.

Now that we have two wonderful children, Koe Tate and Kye Erin, it's almost impossible to train together because one of us would have to watch the kids.  It's becoming difficult again, but this time we we're both determined not to give in...or should I say give up.  We had a good long talk about what we really wanted in life, because after all you only live once,  and decided unanimously on the 2 M's...MUSIC and MARTIAL ARTS.

This, of course, does not mean that we don't love our kids.  We do it because we love them.  We don't want to go through life being miserable because we didn't get to fulfill the things we set out to achieve while we were young.  We will be happy older citizens of the world who can play guitar like Eddie Van Halen... sing like Chaka Khan...and kick butt  like Bruce Lee (and stil be excellent parents).     

We were once asked how we do it all...simple...BRING THE KIDS WHEREVER YOU GO!!
Okinawa Isshinryu (Australia)
Michael Chaturantabut's Page
BlacknBlue Martial Arts Videos
Century Fitness Web Site
Our Martial Arts Photo Gallery