Sigma Phi Sigma became a recognized chartered business fraternity during the fall semester of 1965 at Southern Illinois University. Today, there are 18 affiliated chapters. Sigma Phi Sigma is a national funeral service fraternity devoted to enhancing the education of funeral service practitioners. The Pi Chapter received formal recognition on the Amarillo College campus on March 10, 2005.

The purpose of the fraternity is to encourage and recognize scholarship and professionalism among funeral service educators, students, and professionals. To achieve these purposes, the Pi Chapter shall:

     1. Promote professionalism by providing oppertunities for the development of leadership and           climates for exchange of professional concepts, ethics and ideals.
     2. Educate the public concerning the funeral profession and increase the public's appreciation of the profession by advocating participation in community service projects.
     3. Encourage fellowship between students, faculty, and business entities.
     4. Aid students in their academic endeavors through educational oppertunities, speakers, or other     tools with the goal of exceeding National and/or State Board Exam(s) standards.
     5. Provide members various tools to advance their career goals and to assist them in securing a     position with a funeral service provider.
Amarillo College - Pi Chapter
PO Box 447
Amarillo, Texas 79178
(806) 356-3631
Mortuary Science Fraternity
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