Benefits of being a member:

Recognition of personal accomplishment

Participiation in community and campus service activities

Opportunities to socialize with faculty and other students who are interested in English language and literature

Opportunities to network with other chapter members on the regional, national, and international levels and to participate in and present professional work at conferences and conventions

Subscription to the Sigma Tau Delta Newsletter

Subscription to, and the opportunity to contribute to the award-winning literary publication, The Rectangle

Eligibility to compete for several $1,000 - $2500 scholarships and awards

opportunities for internship and graduate assistantships

How to become a member:

To apply for membership in our local Alpha Alpha Upsilon chapter, you can obtain an application form from the box located outside of the English department office in Morton Hall, room 165, and return it to Dr. Stef Richardson's mailbox, which is located in Morton Hall. 

Or you can email the following information to Dr. Richardson at
     Local Phone
     Email Address
     Campus Mailbox
     Permanent Home Address
     Class (Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate Student)
     Expected Graduation Date (semester and year)

     *Be sure to indicate in the email that you are interested in becoming a member of UNCW's Alpha Alpha Upsilon chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.