What do we do?

We offer emotional support by listening and sharing our experiences of living with autism

We give practical help by exchanging ideas about problems we have faced and how we have  dealt with them.

We provide information and advice about appropriate education and specialist services.

We help people see that there is hope and celebrate the successes, large and small which our  very special children achieve.

We are campaigning for additional educational provision locally for children on the autistic  spectrum

We run programmes to help our children: Trampolining and dramatherapy (to help foster  social understanding.)

We organise outings for our members and their families during school holidays       
We meet at 8.15 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Lewisham Opportunity Pre-School, Longbridge Way, Lewisham.
This is behind the Ladywell Leisure Centre, accessed from the rear left-hand corner of the car park.   Meetings start at 8.15pm
and finish about 10.30pm. At these meetings we invite a variety of speakers on different aspects of  autism.Click on our Diary
button for more details

Rail:   closest station is Ladywell, about 3 minutes walk (out of the station and turn right)
Buses: lots of buses go past Ladywell Leisure Centre, 47,54,75,136,185,199,208,284, or close to Ladywell Station 122,484,P4

Activities    Click here  for more information on our activities which are listed below;


and also those other organisations that run activities that we support  which are listed below;

TAI KWON DO                             SWIMMING

Newsletter, Library Bibliography & Reviews
We publish a
quarterly newsletter with details of meetings,book reviews, parents'  experiences and writing and drawing by some of
our young people with autism. Also regular email news Bulletins are sent to members.

We have also prepared an annotated bibliography of books on autism that we have found helpful  We have a large collection of Books,
Papers , Pamphlets, Newspaper Cuttings, Publications and Information Packs along with book reviews on matters related to autism
and autistic spectrum disorders.
Click here for more info

How to Contact us
by clicking on the "email us" button under the picture of the leaf with link at the top of each page on our website  page.
This page last updated July'2009
For search engine purposes the following  has been placed at the bottom of this page:
signalewisham is the website for a group of parents of autistic children that have set up a small local charity in Lewisham and surrounding boroughs in South East London called SIGNAL.
SIGNAL Lewisham Support information guidance news autism ASD.
London ASD Signal guidance information autism.
signalewisham austism Lewisham Signal.
signal autism lewisham.
SIGNAL (Support Information Guidance and News for Autism in Lewisham)
Who are we? We are a group of parents of
autistic children that have set up a small local charity in Lewisham and surrounding boroughs in South East London our membership is around  200 families.
with all our essential information
As of 1st June 2009, SIGNAL has an office in the Amersham Road Children's Centre, 75 Amersham Road, New Cross, London SE14 6QQ.  The phone number is 020 8691 1777 ext 4692.
This is not a dedicated SIGNAL phone and there will only be a SIGNAL person there on a part-time basis. Please look out for more information as to SIGNAL office hours and facilities which will be set up over the coming months.
I'm dusting off my running shoes and asking for your support once again in preparation
for a marathon this September to raise money for SIGNAL. My last sponsored run was in 2007. Since then I've run another marathon for ‘fun’ and a couple of half marathons. Also, my son Harry (9, ASD) has started to come training with me and hopes to be ready for the Dulwich 10k this autumn. This year I've entered the Green Chain Marathon which is run by New Eltham Joggers. It's local (I can get the bus home), off-road (ie, muddy) and there are no marshals, just signposts. Their website cheerfully points out that anyone who gets lost could wind up running 30 miles or more! The whole thing
starts at 8.30am on Sunday 20 September so if you see me plodding round SE23, training in my yellow SIGNAL t-shirt, give me a toot. I'll do my best to wave back! Hugh Miles.

(SIGNAL t-shirts, as modelled by Hugh, right, are available to buy – contact the editor)

This is our big fundraising event this year, so please ask all your friends and family to sponsor Hugh. You can donate money via the justgiving website
www.justgiving.com/signal or by filling in the sponsorship form that you have received with this newsletter and sending a cheque. Make sure to fill in the giftaid box on the reverse of the form so we can claim your tax back. Thanks!
Sally and the SIGNAL Committee
The New Committee

Chair    Sally Fricker
Vice Chair   Temporarily vacant
Secretary   Temporarily vacant
Treasurer   Catherine Munday

Professional Liaison  Jo Ashby
Ordinary members   Jacqui Cook, Claire House, Mary McInerney, Francine Warren, Annie Williams
Two positions vacant here
Voluntary non-committee members

Professional advice                        Bev Meddens
Tribunal advice                             Teresa Whyte
Trampolining Co-ord                     Lucy Yeatman, Francine W
Trampolining Assistant                   Vacant
Dramatherapy Co-ord                    Fabienne Benoist, S Fricker
Fundraiser                                    Sally Fricker
Assistant Fundraiser                      Vacant 
Membership Secretary                   Jon Munday 
Membership Pack Distribution       Candida Miles
Prospective Member Contact          Jacqui Cook/Giles Frampton
Prospective Member Admin          Candida Miles
Trip Organiser                              Mary MacInerney
Trip Org Assistant                        Claire House
Website                                       John O’Connor
Thursday Evening Coordinator      Vacant
Coffee Morning Coordinator         Candida Miles
See Chair’s Report for list of previous hosts

Newsletter Editor                         Candida Miles
Newsletter Assistant                     Hugh Miles
Newsletter Distribution                 Debbie Watson
16+ group                                   Jacqui Cook, Sheila M 
Sibling Club                                 Mary Mc, Sally Watson
Book Club                                   Gill Stephenson, Sheila M
Email Bulletin                               Sally, then Candida
Raffle Queen                               Jacqui Cook
Library                                       Candida Miles
Library Assistants                        Helen Milstein et al
Hospitality Coordinator                 Trish Sarris
Paid Support                               John Munday and Candida Miles and Sally Fricker (as Fundraiser)
SIGNAL representation:               Trish Sarris, Sally Fricker, Jacqui Cook, Mary MacInerney, Lucy Yeatman, Claire House, Sheila            Moorcroft, Bev Meddens, Liz Staggs, Lisa Mace
The SIGNAL Committee present and past
Gardener - Lewisham is running a service to collect garden rubbish, free of charge. The service is available on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon from Girton Road car park, Sydenham and from the car park behind Laurence House, off
Canadian Avenue, in Catford.  For
more details click here