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Medium Battle Tank










   TYPE: Medium Battle Tank


    1. 4 wheel drive turbine
    1. fixed: turret mounted double barreled energy cannon
    2. fixed: retractable double barreled forward particle cannon (to the right of the main cockpit)
    3. fixed: twin small laser cannons beneath forward ram
    4. ordinance: various array of medium range missiles (on a 6 rack launcher) or one large surface to space guided missile stored in an internal weapons bay
    1. 6 inch metallic hybrid armor
    2. force shield generator
    3. Lego-Tech structural resonator
  • CREW:
    1. Driver
    2. Gunner
    3. Electronics officer


The Badger is the most common vehicle seen on the battlefield. Fast and versatile it is equipped with a variety of weapons protectively encase inside its Lego-Tech hull. It is capable of striking ships in orbit as well as decimating an entire platoon with its wide array of projectile weapons. Its powerful communications and tracking system also allow it to perform as a mobile long range communications center as well as a heavily armed recon unit. A second variant of the Badger swaps out its missile payload and its main com-disk in order to make room for a unit of Blacktron Shock Troopers in its internal weapons bay. Armed with their Black Lego-Tech enhanced battle suits they are just as deadly as any weapon in the Badger's arsenal.

Several of these vehicles were left behind on Mars Base Sarah after the Blacktron scout fleet departed from the Core Domains. These vehicles were promptly commandeered by the Martian Marines and these photographs are courtesy of their new acquisitions.


View of the Badger with its main com-disk deployed. This is utilized to guide its long range missiles (including ground to space) to their targets. It is also an enhanced sensor and extended communications array.


This Badger has moved its 6 rack missile launcher into firing position. When not in use it is retracted into an internal weapons bay.



Blacktron Imperial Military Units:

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