German-Prussian Genealogy Links

Dedicated to German-Prussian Heritage Everywhere!



Welcome to our list of German-Prussian Genealogy Links on the WWW. This link page is meant to be a guide for those of us searching information from the Internet on this subject.

At the making of this page, all links are working and have been checked by the participants or the person maintaining this page. If you notice a link is not working, please feel free to send an e-mail us and we will correct the link.

If you have a site that you feel would provide German-Prussian Genealogy information and would like a link to this page, please let us know! If you know of a site that is not listed here and feel it might be helpful for someone doing research in German-Prussian genealogy, please e-mail us and we will consider adding it!

German-Prussian Information Links

German Genealogy Home PageBeginner's Tips, Regional Research, German Emmigration to America (Passenger Lists), and FAQ's and Documents (Sample Letters to Church)
German Genealogy Bibliography of German Genealogy Links, Bundeslander Home Page, (Information on the former state of Prussia), Geographic Finding Aids, Germany Through the Ages, German Genealogy-Regional Research, Historical Maps, Volunteer Lookups
Emigration from Germany German Emigration to America, Passenger Lists, Hamburg 1850-1934, Nara Genealogical information, Private memories and diaries; Why families wished to leave Prussia and emigrate.
FEEFHS Toolkit FEEFHS Genealogy Toolkit
Maps-German Empire (1882 Atlas) B. German Empire - East, C. German Empire - West
German Naming Patterns Naming patterns for German names
Old German Handwriting How to read the old German handwriting styles
Internet Sources for German Genealogy Lots of great resources
German Translation Translate from German to English or English to German
Prussian Mennonite Genealogical Resources Sources, Secular Records, Church Records, Maps
Prussia ON-Line A resource dedicated to Prussia including links to:
Hall of Prussian Heroes
Die Pommerschen Leute
The Pomeranian Page--History and Map
Prussian Genealogical Resources
Archive fuer Preussenforschung
Brandenburg - Preußen:
Markgrafen, Kurfürsten, Könige
Berlin Information
Mystery of the Ship Marianne Voyage from Bremen to Baltimore, Departing August 11, 1843, and Arriving September 25, 1843

New Entries Since Project Began

German Villages in the Volga Valley of Russia NEW.gif
A comprehensive list of all villages colonized by German in the Volga Valley of Russia from 1764-1767 along with other Volga history, maps,North American settlements and other valuable resources

German Maps

Map of Germany See Large Map of Germany

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Page was created on February 13, 1998
Most recent revision, December 1, 2002

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