MIDI-Mouse Instructions

MIDI-Mouse has two windows, the first which can be used to generate up to four MIDI continuous controller (CC) messages calculated from the mouse position and the second which can generate up to another four MIDI CC messages calculated from two selectable externally-generated CC messages. In addition, it is possible to assign MIDI note messages to most of the keys on the keyboard. Typical use would be for the control of soft-synths such as those in ReBirth and Reason from Propellerheads, but it can be used with any program or external MIDI device that responds to CC messages. The program requires OMS version 2.2 or greater, and has been successfully used with MacOS versions 7.6 to 9.1.

Starting up
Running the program for the first time will open first a splash window while OMS is initialised and the preferences file is read (if present). Assuming all goes well, the following dialog window will open:

The pop-up menus are for the selection of the input and output ports that the program will use. MIDI messages arriving on the two input ports can be mixed to the output A port, along with the CC messages generated by clicking in the control square. The CC messages from the input transformer can be sent either to the output A or output B port. Set Input B to be the same port as Input A to disable it, and likewise Output B will be ignored if it is the same as Output A. After selecting the various ports, press Ok to continue to the main program.

TIP: the port selection dialog at startup can be disabled in the Preferences dialog.

The MIDI-Mouse window

This window always remains open, and represents the control centre for generating CC messages by clicking with the mouse in the control square.

At the top of the window there are "LED" indicators which flash to indicate MIDI activity. The Tx LED turns green whenever the program is sending MIDI messages. The Rx LED flashes green whenever MIDI data is being received on Input A (in case of too much data it may flash red, indicating data loss due to buffer overflow but this should not happen in normal use). The Rx B LED flashes green whenever MIDI data is being received on Input B. If Inputs A and B are the same port then the RX B LED is greyed out. Next to the Rx B LED is the Input Mix popup menu which selects which input data to mix to the Output A MIDI Port. If set to "Mix Off" then no data from either input will be sent, but it will still be possible to see if input messages are being received by watching the RX LED's.

TIP: since MIDI feedback can cause system instability, in cases where such problems can occur - for example sending CC messages to a sequencer via IAC with MIDI Thru enabled - check that the Rx LED's do not echo the Tx LED before enabling the Mix option.

Below the MIDI LED's is the control square. Click in this square to generate CC messages according to the patch settings (see below). Two modes of operation are possible, selectable in the preferences dialog:

(a) Click and hold
Click in the control square, holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse to generate CC messages. In this mode the control square turns light blue(*) when active.

(b) Click on / Click off
Click once on the control square, the control square turns light orange(*), and move the mouse to generate CC messages. Click again in any of the windows or on the menu bar to stop again.

(*) these are the default colours, but they can be changed in the Preferences dialog.

New in version 1.0.1
A MIDI command - either a note or a CC message can now be generated on clicking/releasing on the control square. This can be used, for example, to automatically activate the effect to be controlled just by clicking in the control square and then have it automatically switch off again.
The options are (in the Preferences dialog):
Off:    No message sent
Note    Note on/off sent when control square is activated and again when
        it is deactivated
CC      CC with value of 127 sent when control square is activated, and
        then with value of 0 when it is deactivated
The channel and note/CC number can be chosen as desired.

To the right of the control square are four bars used to graphically represent the CC output values. Bars corresponding to disabled CC output channels will be greyed out.

Below the control square are the patch selector and the patch name. The patch defines how the CC messages are generated from the mouse position and is described in more detail below. There are ten patches available. Click on the patch number or press the corresponding number key on the keyboard (press '0' for patch 10) to change the patch. Note that the patch cannot be changed while the control square is active, and pressing a key in this situation will only cause the program to signal the error with a beep.

Each patch has a name which can be edited (up to 25 characters). For each patch there are four CC output channels (A, B, C, and D). For each channel it is necessary to set the following parameters:

(a) Algorithm
This is a popup menu which sets how the output value follows the mouse position. X represents the horizontal position and Y the vertical position. Both X and Y have a range of 0 - 127. The available settings are:

Setting     CC value sent (CC range 0 - 127)
Off           No CC output
X             X value
Y             Y value
X + Y         X + Y
X * Y         X x Y
! X           127 - X
! Y           127 - Y
! (X+Y)       127 - (X + Y)
! (X*Y)       127 - (X x Y)
X - Y         X - Y
Y - X         Y - X

(b) Multiplier
This is a popup menu which allows the result of the algorithm to be scaled (note that the values sent are always limited to the legal range of 0 - 127).

(c) MIDI Channel
The calculated CC value is sent with this MIDI channel.

(d) CC number
The calculated CC value is sent as this MIDI controller. As an example, 1 corresponds to the modulation wheel on a typical MIDI keyboard.

TIP: holding the Command (Apple) key down and clicking on this text will bring up a popup menu which can be set up (see the CC Name Mapping settings) with the names of the controllers for easier programming.

(e) Zero reference
The CC values are calculated as the difference between the control square and centre and the click point (so they are -63 at the bottom/left of the square, zero at the centre, and +63 at the top/right). After applying the algorithm and then the multiplier, this value is then added to the zero reference value before limiting the output to the allowed range of 0 - 127. The zero reference allows the centre point of the output values to be shifted. Use 64 as the default value.

If this all sounds too complicated, just experiment with the patch files provided with the program. Here are some simple examples:

Follow horizontal mouse position
Algorithm       X
Multiplier      * 1
Zero Ref        64

Follow vertical mouse position, but reversed (127 -> 0 instead of 0 -> 127)
Algorithm       ! Y
Multiplier      * 1
Zero Ref        64

Follow horizontal mouse position, but with a range of 0 - 64 (ie centred on 32)
Algorithm       X
Multiplier      * 0.5
Zero Ref        32

Cross-fade two faders, following the vertical mouse position
(with Fader A responding to CC 12 on MIDI channel 1, and Fader B 
responding to CC 11 on MIDI channel 2)

Fader A                      Fader B
Algorithm       Y            Algorithm       ! Y
Multiplier      * 1          Multiplier      * 1
MIDI Channel    1            MIDI Channel    2
CC Number       12           CC Number       11
Zero Ref        64           Zero Ref        64

The final control to note is the window mode selector (a small triangle). Clicking on this triangle changes how much of the window is visible. Four possible settings are available, in the sequence:

The Input Transformer window

The Input Transformer works on exactly the same principle as the MIDI-Mouse window, with the only difference that the X and Y values are taken from externally-generated MIDI CC messages. The X LED at the top of the window will flash yellow when receiving the correct MIDI CC message, set by the two edit boxes directly below it which are used to set the incoming MIDI channel and CC number. As an extra option, set the CC number to -1 to respond to pitch bend information (the box will be highlighted with a light blue colour when set to respond to pitch bend). To the right of the X input channel settings are the Y LED and the corresponding two edit boxes for the Y input.

TIP: the CC Name Mapping popup menu is available also for the X and Y input CC number edit boxes.

To the right of the Y LED is the popup menu which selects the output port for the CC messages generated by the Input Transformer, and below this are four horizontal bars to represent the CC output values (greyed out if the corresponding channels are disabled).

Points to note
The Input Transformer X and Y CC messages can come from either (or both) of the two available input ports.
The Input Transformer is only active when the Input Transformer window is open.
If input mixing for the corresponding input port(s) is active, then the X and Y CC messages will be passed directly to the output if the Input Transformer window is closed.
The patch values are interchangeable with the MIDI-Mouse window, and can be copied and pasted between the two windows.
Click on the patch select number or hold down the Control key and press the corresponding number key to change the selected patch.
The Input Transformer can be active while using the MIDI-Mouse window, for a total of eight possible CC channels active simultaneously.

The window mode selector is present in this window as well. Four possible settings are available, in the sequence:

The CC Names mapping dialog

This dialog allows the names used in the popup menu accessible by command-clicking the CC number edit boxes in the MIDI-Mouse and Input Transformer windows. The number to the left of each box is the CC number to which the text will be associated. Name length is limited to 25 characters. Click on the Save button to save all the names to a file. Click on the Load button to reload the names. Two CC Names map files are provided with the program in the "MIDI-Mouse CC maps" folder:

Empty CC Map contains the basic CC NNN names (for resetting without quitting)
Standard MIDI CC Map contains the names of the standard MIDI control change names

The Keyboard Note mapping dialog

In order to generate MIDI note messages from the computer keyboard it is necessary to enable the MIDI notes in the keyboard note mapping dialog. This dialog has four "pages", selected using the radio buttons at the top of the dialog window. The left three buttons choose the pages for the various key characters, divided into lower case (a - z), upper case (A - Z), and other characters. An example is shown below:

Note key mapping

For each keyboard character there are five parameters to set:

(a) Enable / velocity mode
This is a popup menu with the following options:

Off: key disabled

Fixed: pressing the key will generate a MIDI note on/off message with the fixed velocity setting

CC A - H: pressing the key will generate a MIDI note on/off message with a velocity value determined by the last output value of the selected CC output channel (so that the velocity can follow the mouse position). In the case of the output channel not being active, the fixed velocity setting is used.

(b) Note off mode
This is a popup menu with two options:

Immediate: in this mode the note off message is sent immediately after the note on message. Use this mode for fastest response when the note length is not significant - eg drum notes

Key up: in this mode, the note off message is sent only when the key is released. Use this for notes with sustain

(c) MIDI channel
Use this edit box to set the MIDI channel of the note to be sent.

(d) Note number
Use this edit box to set the note number to be sent. Hold down the Command key and click on this box to select the note using the Note Names mapping menu (see next section)

(e) Fixed velocity
Use this edit box to set the note velocity to be used for the Fixed velocity note mode

The note key mapping can be loaded and saved using the Load Notes and Save Notes buttons in the dialog window. One file contains the settings for all the available keys, regardless of which of the three key pages is selected. Note that the key map file does NOT contain the note names mapping information

Note names mapping

To make the note selection easier it is possible to set names for the note numbers, in the same way as for the CC names. Clicking on the Note Names radio button at the right of the dialog window selects the note names mapping page of the dialog:

In this page it is possible to set a name (up to 25 characters) for each note name. These names can be recalled as a popup menu by commmand-clicking on the note number edit boxes in the note key mapping pages. The names map can be loaded or saved using the Load and Save buttons. Note that the names map file does NOT contain the information from the note key mapping pages

Note that the position of the keys on the keyboard is not taken into account, only the character generated when the key is pressed, so the supplied maps may need to be adjusted according to the keyboard layout.

The Preferences dialog

At the top left of the dialog there are popup menus for changing the input and output ports without quitting the program. At the top right, there are buttons for setting the mouse control mode for the MIDI-Mouse window, and for disabling or enabling the port selection dialog when starting up the program. To the bottom left are check boxes for setting which MIDI messages are passed on to the output from the mix inputs. If the box is not checked, the corresponding MIDI messages are blocked. To the bottom right are four coloured squares which show the present colours used for the window backgrounds and for the active modes of the control square. If the colour picker extension is available in the system folder, clicking on the coloured square will allow these colours to be changed. All preferences are stored in the MIDI-Mouse Prefs file which is saved in the same folder as the MIDI-Mouse application.

MIDI-Mouse menus

About MIDI-Mouse... brings up a message showing the version number of the program, a reminder of the web site address, and how much memory is available to the program.

Open... will open the standard file dialog for loading a patches file. This can be used to load patches both for the MIDI-Mouse window and the Input Transformer window. When both windows are open, the patches will be loaded for the frontmost window, which will be highlighted with a red outline around the patch selector and patch name area.

Close is available when either the Input Transformer or MIDI Analyser windows are open and frontmost, and simply closes them.

Save... saves a patch file containing the ten patches of either the MIDI-Mouse window or the Input Transformer window. When both windows are open, the patches are saved for the frontmost window, which will be highlighted with a blue outline around the patch selector and patch name area. The patch files are identical in format for both MIDI-Mouse and Input Transformer windows, and so are interchangeable.

Quit use Quit to exit from the program.

Undo is not implemented and will always be dimmed.

Cut is available only when text selections are active and performs the usual text cutting operation.

Copy has two functions. When text selections are active then it performs the usual text copy operation. When no text boxes are active, however, it can be used to copy the selected patch in either the MIDI-Mouse or Input Transformer windows (if both are open, the patch is copied from the frontmost window). When Copy is selected for a patch, a blue outline rectangle around the patch selector and patch name area is flashed for a moment to indicate the copy source.

Paste has two functions. When text selections are active then it performs the usual text paste operation. When no text boxes are active, however, it can be used to paste a previously-copied patch to either the MIDI-Mouse or Input Transformer windows (if both are open, the patch is pasted to the frontmost window). When Paste is selected for a patch, a red outline rectangle around the patch selector and patch name area is flashed for a moment to indicate the paste destination.

Clear has two functions. When text selections are active then it performs the usual text clear operation. When no text boxes are active, however, it can be used to reset the selected patch in either the MIDI-Mouse or Input Transformer windows (if both are open, the patch is pasted to the frontmost window). When Clear is selected for a patch, a red outline rectangle around the patch selector and patch name area is used to indicate the patch which will be cleared, and a dialog is opened so that the clear operation can be confirmed or cancelled.

Preferences... opens the Preferences dialog.

OMS Version... displays a message containing various details of the OMS drivers installed.

OMS Studio Setup... opens the OMS Studio Setup program (*).

OMS MIDI Setup... opens the OMS MIDI Setup window (*).

MIDI Analyser opens a window with a rudimentary graphical and hexadecimal display of the MIDI data being received, or brings it to the front if it was already open. If it isn't obvious how it works and what it is doing then it won't be any use me explaining it anyway :)

* it is quite likely that the program doesn't respond correctly to all the possible changes that can be made with these two options - you have been warned...

MIDI-Mouse brings the MIDI-Mouse window to the front.

Input Transformer opens the Input Transformer window if it is not open, or brings it to the front if it was already open.

MIDI CC Names Mapping... opens the CC names dialog.

MIDI Note Key Mapping... opens the Keyboard Note mapping dialog.

All Notes Off sends note off messages for all presently defined key notes. This may be necessary in cases in which notes remain on after releasing the keys, for example if the Caps Lock key is pressed while other keys are held down.