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This is a form of temple art with songs in Sanskrit. For a good appreciation of this art
please visit

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Kathakali is one of the most famous art forms in Kerala. This was originated in Kerala ~400 years ago.The great poet Mahakavi Vallathol Narayana Menon, the founder of Kerala Kala Mandalam, gave Kathakali the look and feel we see today. His dream was to present Kathakali to the world in a way where it is admired and appreciated. Today, Kathakali is performed in almost any cultural programs in Kerala. Kathakali is a visual art form where the actors show only “Mudra”s(Hand Sign). The actor will act according the Kathakali music. Instruments like Chenda, Maddalam and IlathaLam are used. Kathakali is thus a combination of Dance, Drama and Music. The actors paint their faces vividly and use different costumes depending on the kind of characters they portray and according to that the "Vesha" (costume) is mainly classified into four: Pacha(Sathwika, the hero), Kathi(the villain), Minukku(for female characters) and ThAti.


Only girls and women perform this. They stand in a circle dressed in traditional style. There are songs called “Thiruvaathirappattu” with a special rhythm. ( Please visit my audio page to listen). Most of these songs praise lords. It is usually performed in connection with the Hindu festival called “Thiruvathira”. This festival comes in “Dhanu Maasam” (January).

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This is a form of temple art, found by Kunchan Nambiar. Thullal is classified into three main groups : Ottan, PaRayan, Seethankan. These three differ mainly in the kind of dress. It is a solo dance. The actor himself dances and sings. There are songs called “Thullal Pattu” with a special rhythm and are laced with wit and satire. Usually these songs are based on incidents described in two of our great epics – the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha.

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It is predominantly a “lasya” form of dance notable for its grace. This word means “celestial dance”. Please visit to know more on Mohiniyattam and its evolution.


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This is a form of temple art. It's performed in temples of Godesses in Malabar area. Theyyam is rare in South Kerala.


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Disclaimer: The pictures on this page have been obtained from other Web sites. I am not aware of any possible copyright violation. If any such act is brought to my attention, I will remove the concerned item from my page.

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