Naga the Serpent

Skanky ho extraordinaire

Okay, I don't really have much to say on Naga. Of all the characters Lina hangs out with, Naga has to be one of the least serious. Naga's main ambition is to show herself as better than Lina, even though she is not.
Naga's mind is a dangerous thing.. she's intelligent, and she knows Lina WELL. When she says that she can read her like a book, she ain't kiddin.
HOWEVER, how she processes that info is another matter entirely.
Naga's idea of being better than someone is VERY bizarre. This leads to the mischaracterization of her, making her laugh constantly. While she DOES laugh constantly, she only does it when she's confident. (which is all the time)
Confused yet?
Things that would set off the laugh are VERY varied. Whenever she is gloating or thinks she is better than someone, she will laugh. Whenever she thinks she has caught onto one of Lina's plots against her (she is sure they exist) she'll let loose with the laugh.
It's why she wears the battle bikini - yet another way of her showing her superiority. She will fight Lina at EVERY turn. She'll try to get more food than her, more bad guys killed than her, have it done more stylishly, get more treasure, use fancier spells, WHATEVER.
And when she's done something she thinks is clever, or something that boosts her gigantic ego, the laugh gets loose.
An example of the laugh is something like this :
  • Lina and Naga get some new information.
  • Lina processes it, has one of those moments thinking seriously as to what it could entail (drama!)
  • Naga COMPLETELY misinterprets Lina's thoughts as scheming against her, points at her, yells, "I know your plot now, Lina!"
  • The laugh.... the horrible, horrible laugh....
Naga and Lina travel by themselves for a reason... she's supposed to be a sister-type to Lina. ALWAYS proving herself better, ALWAYS teasing, ALWAYS laughing... gets to be a bit too much for Lina sometimes, if you get my drift.
She's a bit like a psycho version of Ameria. She'll do the speeches, but they'll be about how she's found out Lina, or putting down Lina, or something.
She will NEVER admit that Lina's better than her. The only thing that comes CLOSE is when they're both fighting a common foe and do some good teamwork (i.e. destroying Rune Gastau - that was COOL!) and then she'll say "Yeah we dun good", but will later pin all the credit on herself.
Basically, be careful about the laugh. She's not gonna laugh ALL the time, just most of it.

Exceptions to her behavior :
None. Believe it or not, she's very well defined and very well written.

Don't make me laugh. Please.


1. There is something WEIRD with Naga... there is NO reason for her to tag along with Lina, being her sister at FIRST. (they meet when Naga hunts her down and burns the inn that she was staying at) Naga, perhaps, wanted a sister she could beat up on, and wasn't so damn annoying... but why Lina? It doesn't make sense...

Theories on da skanky ho? Mail me.