DAoC Weapon Swing Speed Calculator

This calculator was archived from Spydor's Web in an effort to preserve it for future players.  I take no credit for creating it.

R-Weapon Speed:
L-Weapon Speed:(0 for none)
Your quick:(250 soft cap)
Mastery of Arms: (obsolete post 1.70)
Spell haste:
Item haste:

Quickness Modifier:
Haste Modifier:
Actual R-Weapon Swing Speed:(capped 1.5)
Actual L-Weapon Swing Speed:(for DW purposes)
Dual Wield Swing Speed:(capped 1.5)

Formula used:

Swing Speed = (Weap Spd)*(1-QuiMod)*(1-Spell Haste)*(1-Item Haste)*(1-MoA)

Note: The Dual Wield Swing Speed shows the haste effect one gets when wielding weapons of different speeds. This effect will only take place when the dual wielder swings both weapons at the same time. The chance to do this:

Actual DW = 25+(DW skill * .68)+(dual ref. lvl * 3)

DAoC Dual Wield Chance Calculator

DW Skill:(include +items)
Dualist Reflexes: (obsolete post 1.70)

DW Chance:(percent)