Welcome to the Virtual Net 96 Homepage.

Here can you get the newest infos, routines and programs for the Virtual Net 96.If you habe any suggestions and/or programs for the Virtual Net 96 then send them to us please. We're happy about every Mail :)


Latest informations
Documentations and circuit diagrams.
Programs, games und routines.
Prices for the VN96 equipment

CPC-Homepage ,The CPC Archive ,
SOW CPC Department ,CPC-TELEGRAMM ,Bollaware Homepage, Future OS

Send suggestions and criticism to the following addresses:

Steve of Wizcat (FH),Hage of Wizcat (FH)


Last Updated by Steve of Wizcat on 17.1.1997 9:35:14.




The Virtual Net 96

The Virtual Net 96 is a combination of hard- and software, which was developed to connect two or more CPCs.

The hardware consists of a simple transistor for each CPC and a wire which connects each CPC with another. Therefore, the data is transmitted serial to each CPC.

The software consists of applications or games which use our routine pack. This collection of routines is able to transmit data with a speed of 60000 Baud.

You can find the documentation for this routines on our page. With this documentation you are able to program your own VN96 programs, games or tools.



We developed new routines which transmit data with a speed of 60000 Baud The newest version is always available on this page.

Everybody who is interested on the Virtual Net 96 and wants to write a program for it, can borrow the VN96 devices from us.

Doc Bartoc works at the moment on his new Virtual Net project: Turbo Ball! A preview is available now!

Steve of Wizcat programs "intensive" :) on his new warcraft like Game!

Hage of Wizcat will start a new projekt soon: A Virtual Net 96 version of the classic game Arkanoid. It will base on an completely new gamestyle!

Purple and Dreamer of TGS took two devices and locked up in a small room. Perhaps we will hear something from them soon! ;)

The newest, bugfree, version of the game "Pixelnegger: Last Action Point", is now available on the homepage.




Documentation and circuit diagram.


The documentation for the
Virtual Net plus ASCII circuit diagram



The circuit diagram for a
VN96 device




Programs, games and routines, for the
Virtual Net 96


The ZIP files must be decrunched and then converted with DOSCOPY. Important: Filetyp must be ASCII!!!


VN96 programs Screenshots
LAP.ZIP Pixelnegger: Last Action Point
VN96 version of the classic game Tron or Snakes.
Now newest version, without bugs!!!

DIALOG.ZIP Dialog (simple chat program)
Very usefull to try whether the VN96 works korrekt.

VN96 routine pack
Routines for MAXAM.

Shoulder Dash.
Miner like VN96 game.




Prices for the VN96 equipment



All these prices are important for people who never held a soldering iron in their hands. Or for those who do not have enough time to build their own devices. These prices conists only of the material costs. So we make no profit.

Name Price
Single wire
1.50 DM;
Single device
4.50 DM
Device and wire ('Add on')
6.00 DM
Two devices and a wire
10.00 DM

Orders either by eMail:

Steve of Wizcat (FH-Aalen)
Steve of Wizcat (T-Online)
Hage of Wizcat

or by papermail:

Steve of Wizcat -Ihnbergstr. 9/1 -73479 Pfahlheim
Hage of Wizcat - Abt-Rudolfstr. 46 - 73479 Pfahlheim



Virtual Net 96 software

Last Action Point

Pixelnegger: Last Action Point, or LAP is the VN96 version of the classic game Tron. This game was made for 2 to 12 players. During the game the players can login or logout as they want. There is also a highscore list where the best players are noted.

This game was made by Steve of Wizcat in 1996, and it runs as far as we know without any mistakes.




Dialog is a program to talk with a theoretical infinite number of CPCs. It's also a good program to test whether the network runs korrect. It was written by Hage of Wizcat


Shoulder Dash

Soulder Dash is a network version of the well known game Boulder Dash. But this version is playable with up to 8 players, and it has some new special features are for example a cloaking device or an teleporter. This makes the game very interessting, an it's funny to play it.

With the included map editor you can create your own maps or can modify existing ones.

1996 by Hage of Wizcat.
