Unisys refers to the versions as VHB (pre 3.0) and VHB.
VHB (pre 3.0) can only address "Physically Addressed Devices".
The new VHB is able to speak to logically addressed devices, such as SCSI disks. The new VHB appeared with CTOS/XE 3.0 and CTOS II 3.3..
For further information about the new VHB, I refer
you to
"CTOS Operating System Procedural Interface Reference
Volume 4 - System Structures
(part no 4586 3941-200)"
Anyway, this document is talking about VHB (pre
Disk Structures Overview
The base element of the BTOS file system is a 512 byte sector which is defined either by logical file address (lfa), or by a cylinder, head and sector number. One or more contiguous sectors comprise a disk extent, which is definable by its starting lfa and its length. Files consist of one or more disk extents.
A lfa is used to locate a particular sector of a file. It specifies the byte position within a file; that is, it is the number (the offset) that would be assigned to a byte in a file if all the bytes were numbered consecutively starting with zero. A lfa is 32 bits in length. Bits 0-29 of the lfa define a disk address, bit 30 can be set to suppress retries, and bit 31 can be set to override normal system checks to access defective disks.
Files are grouped into user-defined sets called directories, such that a file may belong to only one directory. A disk, or volume contains at least one directory (sys), which minimally contains the files which describe the disk. The number of directories per volume, and the number of files per directory are finite numbers set at volume or directory creation time.
The root structure of the file system is the Volume Home Block (VHB), which contains pointers to the other structures of the file system. Two VHB's are allocated at initialization time, one at lfa zero and one at mid-point on the volume. The VHB contains the lfa of the Master File Directory (MFD), which defines the volume's directories. Each active entry in the MFD contains the lfa of its directory, which is a hashed table of file names and their pointers into the File Headers.
Each file is allotted at least one entry in the File
Headers. This entry defines up to 32 disk extents of which the file is
comprised. In the rare case that a file requires more than 32 extents,
file headers are chained. The base address of the File Headers is also
found in the VHB.
There exists the option to write secondary, or backup
file headers, to be used in the event that the primary is unreadable. (Secondary
file headers is the default option in the standard volume initialization).
The secondary headers are placed after every N primary headers, where N
is defined in the VHB as AlternateFileHdrPageOffset. The VHB also keeps
track of the next free file header, and the total number of free file headers.
| Volume |
| File |
| Home |
| Headers |
| Block |
|->+-----+ +-----+ |
| |-----|->| DIR |-> |
| |-----| +-----+ |
| | . | +-----+ |
| | . | | DIR | |
| | MFD | +-----+ |
+----------+ +-----+ +-----+
| DIR |
Figure 1
Figure 1 illustrates that the Volume Home Block has a pointer to the first sector of the File Headers, as well as to the first sector of the Master File Directory. Each Directory has entries for all the files in the directory and a pointer to the File Header which describes the file. Each File Header has pointers to the extents of the file.
The other structures which comprise the file system are the Bad Block File (BadBlk.Sys), which keeps a count of bad spots by cylinder/head/sector address, and the Allocation Bit Map, which contains a bit for every disk sector. The bit is set if the sector is available.
The Volume Home Block
The VHB contains the locations and sizes of the other structures which comprise the BTOS file system as well as pointers to other system files such as the operating system (sysImage.sys), crash dump file (crashDump.sys), log file (log.sys), etc. BTOS initialization writes two Volume Home Blocks per disk, one at logical file address zero and one at a mid-point on the media.
The VHB is accessible by reading lfa zero, by calling the BTOS function GetVHB, or by accessing the pointer to the memory resident VHB found in the Device Control Block (DCB). The VHB itself has no entry in the File Headers.
Offset Size Field
0 2
See Appendix.
2 4
Address of the first sector of the operating system.
6 2
Size in sectors of the operating system.
8 4
Address of the first sector of the bad sector file (badBlk.sys).
12 2 cPagesBadBlk
Size in sectors of the bad block file .
14 4 lfaCrashDumpbase
Address of the first sector of the crash dump file
18 2 cPagesCrashDump
Size in sectors of the crash dump file.
20 13 VolName
Volume Name; first byte contains the count of bytes in
the volume name.
33 13 volPasssword
Volume Password; first byte contains the count of bytes
in the Password.
46 4 lfaVHB
Address of the first sector of the second (active) VHB.
50 4 lfaInitialVHB
Address of the first sector of the first (backup) VHB.
54 4 creationDT
The date of initialization in System Date/Time format.
58 4 modificationDT
The date of last modification in System Date/Time format.
62 4 lfaMFDbase
Address of the first sector of the Master File Directory.
66 2 cPagedMFD
Size in sectors of the MFD.
68 2 lfaLogbase
Address of the first sector of the system log file (log.sys).
72 2 cPagesLog
Size in sectors of the system log file.
74 2 currentLogpage
The sector offset from lfaLogbase where the current log
entry is to be written.
76 2 currentLogbyte
The byte offset within currentLogpage where the current
log entry is to be written.
78 4 lfaFileHeadersbase
Address of the first sector of the File Headers
82 2 cPagesFileHeaders
Size in sectors of the File Headers.
84 2 altFileHeaderPageOffset
The number of file headers that separate a primary file
from its secondary file header.
86 2 iFreeFileHeader
The offset from lfaFileHeadersbase to the next available
file header.
88 2 cFreeFileHeaders
The total number of unused file headers.
90 2 clusterFactor
Not used. Contains a 1.
92 2 defaultExtend
Not used. Contains a 1.
94 2 allocSkipCnt
Not used. Contains a 1.
96 4 lfaAllocBitMapbase
Address of the the first sector of the allocation bit map.
100 2 cPagesAllocBitMap
Size in sectors of the allocation bit map.
102 2 lastAllocBitMapPage
When combined with lastAllocWord and lastAllocBit, forms a
pointer into the bit map for the next available sector.
104 2 lastAllocWord
see lastAllocBitMapPage
106 2 lastAllocBit
see lastAllocBitMapPage
108 4 cFreePages
Total number of unallocated sectors.
112 2 iDev
Offset into the array of device control blocks.
114 105 rgLruDirEntries
An array of the three Last Recently Used MFDs
(35 bytes each, see MFD structure).
219 2 magicWd
Used to calculate the checksums for the Volume Home Block
and the File Headers. Value is 7C39.
221 1 SysImageBaseSector
222 1 SysImageBaseHead
223 2 SysImageBaseCylinder
225 2 SysImageMaxPageCount
(The above fields describe for the bootstrap ROM the location
and file size of the program to be bootstrapped.)
227 1 BadBlkBaseSector
228 1 BadBlkBaseHead
229 2 BadBlkBaseCylinder
231 2 BadBlkBaseMaxPageCount
(The above fields describe the location of the Bad Block map
used by IVolume when reinitializing a volume.)
233 1 DumpBaseSector
234 1 DumpBaseHead
235 2 DumpBaseCylinder
237 2 DumpBaseMaxPageCount
(The above fields describe the location and file size of the
crashdump area to be used by the Bootstrap ROM when a memory
dump is performed.)
239 2 BytesPerSector
241 2 SectorsPerTrack
243 2 TracksPerCylinder
245 2 CylindersPerDisk
(The above fields describe the physical characteristics of the
disk drive.)
247 1 InterleaveFactor
see Sector interleaving
248 2 SectorSize
250 1 SpiralFactor
see Sector spiraling
251 1 StartingSector
The above four fields describe formatting parameters used
by IVolume.
252 4 Reserved
for expansion.
The Master File Directory.
The master file directory contains hashed entries
for each directory on the volume. An entry for the MFD exists in the file
headers under the file name "<sys>Mfd.Sys".
The sector address of the MFD is found in the Volume Home Block, as is its length in sectors. Up to fourteen entries can be stored in each sector of the MFD, and each sector has a one byte header before the MFD entries begin.
MFD entry:
Offset Size Field
0 13 DirectoryName
Name of the directory; first byte contains the count of bytes
in the directory name.
13 13 DirPassword
Name of the password; first byte contains the count of bytes
in the password name.
26 4 lfaDirbase
Address of the the first sector of the directory.
30 2 cPages
Size in sectors of the directory.
32 1 defaultAccessCode
Password protection level of the directory.
33 2 lruCnt
Last recently used count; the last used directory has a zero
lruCnt. The other directories lruCnts are incremented when a
file is accessed which does not belong to the directory.
MFD sector:
Offset Size Field
0 2
2 490 rgMFDentries(14)
an array of fourteen MFD entries described above.
The Directory
The Master File Directory contains the sector address
and the sector size of all the directories on the volume. The Directory
has no entry for itself in the File Headers and so may be accessed only
through the Master File Directory itself.
File names are hashed into the list using the algorithm described in the appendix. All other bytes in the list are set to zero; a sequential search for files within the directory searches for the first non-zero byte, signifying start of entry.
Offset Size Field
1 cbFileName
The count of bytes in the filename.
The File name.
1+cbFilename 2 FileHeaderOffset.
The offset from the start of the file headers to the
entry for this file.
File Headers
The File Headers contain primary, and optionally,
secondary file headers. Secondary file headers reside N sectors past the
primary file header, where N is "AltFileHeaderPageOffset" as described
in the VHB. Non-active file headers contain a zero length in the file name
field. Since there is no notion of the "last" active file header, the file
headers are rarely read sequentially - rather the Directory entries are
searched for a pointer to the file headers.
The file headers reside in a file describing itself
called "<sys>FileHeaders.Sys".
Offset Size Field
0 2
see appendix
2 2
The sector offset from the start of the file headers of the
primary file header.
4 51 sbFileName.
File name, the first byte contains the length of the file name.
If the first byte is zero the file header is inactive.
55 13 sbFileNamePassword.
File password, first byte contains the length.
68 13 sbDirectoryName.
Directory name the file is located in. The first byte contains
the length of the name.
81 2 FileHeaderNumber.
The sector offset from the start of the file headers of the
primary file header.
83 2 ExtensionFileHeaderNumber.
The sector offset from the start of the file headers of the
extension file header in the case of a file with more than 32
85 1 bHeaderSequenceNumber.
Sequential number assigned to extension file headers.
86 1 bFileClass.
Not Implemented.
87 1 bAccessProtection.
File protection level.
88 4 lfaDirPage.
Sector address of the master file directory entry for the
file's directory.
92 4 CreationDate.
96 4 Modification Date.
100 4 AccessDate.
104 4 ExpirationDate.
Not implemented.
108 1 fNoSave.
Used by the BackUp Volume utility to determine whether to
backup the file. Set to TRUE for FileHeaders.Sys, Mfd.Sys, etc.
109 1 fNoDirPrint.
Not Implemented
110 1 fNoDelete
Set to TRUE for system files which should not be deleted.
111 4 cbFile
Size of the file in bytes.
115 4 defaultExpansion
The sector size by which to expand the file if a new extend
is to be created.
119 2 iFreeRun
Index into the rgLfaExtent and rgoExtent tables below of the
next available empty extent.
121 128 rgLfaExtents.
Array of 32 sector addresses of the file extents.
249 128 rgcbExtents
Array of 32 byte lengths of extents, where the length is a
multiple of the sector size.
377 71 Reserved
448 64 application specific
Bad Block File
The Bad Block file records up to 128 bad sectors
on the volume. Its lfa is contained in the VHB, and its length is always
one sector. For information on converting cylinder, head, and sector addresses
into a lfa, see appendix.
Offset Size Field
0 128 rgbBadSector
Array of 128 bytes defining the sector number of the first
128 bad spots.
128 128 rgbBadHead
Array of 128 bytes defining the head number of the first 128
ad spots.
256 256 rgwBadCylinder
Array of 128 words defining the track number of the first 128
bad spots.
Allocation Bit Map
The lfa and size of the Allocation Bit Map is described
in the VHB. Each bit in the map describes the availability of one sector
on the volume; the bit is set to on if the sector is available. Since the
bit map has no entry in the file headers, and hence no end of file description,
it can be read successfully by determining the total number of sectors
on the volume (this information can be extrapolated from the Device Control
Block), and reading only the first nSectors/8 bytes of the bit map. (The
DCB is described in the "Memory Structures", below).
Memory Structures Overview
Information about the disk devices available to the
system is found in the Device Control Blocks which describe the
characteristics of the device (eg, tracks, sectors, sector size, number
of retries), as well as the name and password. The DCB also contains an
offset to the memory resident VHB for the device, and offsets to the first
and active IO Blocks for it. The pointer to the offset to an array of offsets
to the system DCBs is located at 27Ch (in the System Common Address Table,
described in the BTOS manual). The number of DCBs is a sysgen parameter.
When a request to open a file is issued, the OS allocates
a File Control Block, does a search of the file header block for
the filename, and loads the file header number of the file into the FCB
(a new file header number is returned if the file did not previously exist).
The lfa's and sizes of the file's disk extents are read from the file header
and loaded into a linked list of File Access Blocks; the FCB remembering
the first FAB. Also a File User Block is allocated which contains
a pointer to the FCB and contains the user number. A file handle is assigned
to the file and returned to the caller for subsequent operations as an
offset to the correct FUB. The User Control Block associated with
the task contains a pointer to an array of offsets which point to the FCB's
of the task.
Pointers to the offset of an array of offsets to
FCBs and UCBs are stored in the System Common Address Table (SCAT) at addresses
280h and 284h respectively. (Note: these offsets must be combined with
the segment address of DGroup of the Operating System, which is found at
242h of the SCAT).
The number of FCBs and FABs are sysgen parameters:
the number of FCBs should be equal to the number of files to be open at
one time; the number of FABs is a factor of the number of FCBs and how
fragmented the volume becomes (i.e., disk extents per open file).
Device Control Block
The DCB can be accessed via the BTOS call "QueryDCB",
or through the pointer in the SCAT described above.
Offset Size Field
0 1
1 1 fNonSharable
2 1 fDoubleDensity
3 1 fNoMultiTrack
4 1 fAttention
5 1 fTimeout
6 13 sbDeviceName
19 13 sbDevicePassword
32 1 controllerNum
33 1 iUnit
34 1 state
35 1 unitStatus
36 1 deviceClass
37 1 cUsers
38 2 oVHB
40 2 oIOBfirst
42 2 oIOBactive
44 4 lfaMax
48 4 lfaMask
50 2 verifyKey
52 2 ovlyProcOpen
54 2 ovlyProcClose
56 2 cRetryMax
58 2 cSoftSectors
60 2 cHardErrors
62 2 currentCylinder
64 1 sectorSizeCode
65 2 GapLength
67 1 DataLength
68 2 BytesPerSector
70 2 SectorsPerTrack
72 2 TracksPerCylinder
74 2 CylindersPerDisk
File Access Block
Offset Size Field
0 2
2 4 lfaDiskExtent
6 4
File Control Block
Offset Size Field
0 2
2 2 devNum
4 2 userCount
6 2 openMode
8 2
File User Block
Offset Size Field
0 2
2 2 userNum
4 1
Sector Spiraling
Spiraling is a performance mechanism of the floppy device driver on the B20 Series used to reduce the wait time for a sector to come under the head when the head must switch tracks or diskette sides. During the time the head switches or seeks the next track approximately 3 sectors have spun past it; to avoid waiting for the next cSectorsPerTrack-3 to spin past the head, the first sector of the next track/head is assigned the sector number of nSectorPrevTrack+3. The first three tracks of a B20 16 sector diskette are shown below:
Physical Sector Position
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Track 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Track 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Track 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Sector Interleaving
Interleaving is a sector mapping technique used on B20 winchesters to match the spin speed of the disk to the disk controllers's ability to read sectors. Since 3 sectors spin by the head in the time it takes the controller to be ready to read the next sector. Sector numbers are assigned which are three past the last physical position read.
The sectors of a track of an interleaved disk are shown here:
Physical Sector Position
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Track 1 1 4 7 0 3 6 3 6 9 2 5 2 5 8 1 4
Hashing Algorithm
The following hashing algorithm is used to place and locate entries within the Master File Directory and the Directories to determine the sector within which the entry resides.
The arguments the hasher takes are name (directory or file) and the size in sectors of the table (Mfd.cDirectory or Vhb.cMfd).
"Name" is an array[1..n] of bytes;
"Divisor" is the size in sectors of the
"n" is the length of Name;
"b" is a byte;
"x" is a word;
x := 0;
For i := 1 to n do
b := name[i];
if b >= 'a' and b <= 'z'
then b
:= b-#20;
upper case}
x := 73*x+b;
hashSectorNumber := x Mod Divisor;
Checksum Algorithm
The Volume Home Block and the File Headers use this checksum, however the VHB checksums the first 128 words only, while the FHB checksums 256 words. The value of magicWord is 7C39h, and can be found in the VHB.
"w" is a word;
"nLastWdSector" is the number of words to
"wBuffer" is the sector to be checksummed;
w := magicWord;
for i := 1 to nLastWdSector do
w := w - wBuffer[i];
if w <> 0 then erc := ercBadCheckSum;
Computing Lfa's from head/cylinder/sector.
The algorithm for computing a logical file address (lfa) given the cylinder, head, and sector number (where sector number is zero based) is :
Lfa = ((cylinder * Dcb.TracksPerCylinder + Head) *
(Dcb.SectorsPerTrack * Dcb.BytesPerSector)) + ((iSector-1) * Dcb.BytesPerSector).
Prefix Meaning
lfa logical file address, 4 bytes
in length.
sb character string where the first byte is the length of the string.
p memory pointer, 4
bytes; most significant word is segment
least is offset.
o offset, the register address portion of a pointer rg array of.
c count of, displaces a word.
b byte.
(note that words
are in Intel format, most significant byte last)