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Visitors from 27 April 1999

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Updated 17 Nov 1999

Word/Phrase a Day

Title Date
Gujarati (Your translator is Ankit Surati)
Learn the Gujarati language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

26 April 99

Tamil (Your translator is ManojKumar GaneshMoorthi)
Learn the Tamil language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

26 April 99


German (Translator wanted)
Learn the German language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

26 April 99

Spanish (Your translator is Ana Marcela)
Learn the Spanish language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

21 June 99

Hindi (Tarang has volunteered again)
Learn the Hindi language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

26 April 99

French (Your translator is Sonali Shah)
Learn the French language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

17 Nov 99

Marathi (Your translator is Rupali Shah)
Learn the Marathi language with us. Daily posts and archives to browse through.

17 Nov 99

You want to host your own language? Well please do. Read below...
This site is in its infancy, created for the need to learn a new language. If you are like me, don't have the time to learn a language fully, need to learn a language quickly, wanting to learn key phrases then this is the site for you.
We are currently looking for people who are willing to add value to this site via there expertise in a language. Dont have to be a professional. All we are hoping to achieve is a dialy phrase translated into a number of languages...
Curious then send an email to if you want to host your own lanuage here and we can start this process.

Your page could be here. Submit it now.

Click HERE to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site.

Site Maintained by Sunil Vallabh Email: Copyright 1999.