Vista Way
This is the pavillion outside our apartment. Basically the pavillion was just in my way. We never really did anything there.
Here is the basketball court. It was good just to go out and play once in a while. Of course, the girls hated the court when they were trying to sleep.
Here is a view of the raquetball court. Of course, if you look at the light pole in the middle of the picture, this pole played prominently in our stay at Vista Way. We hated that light. The light was evil. We made it a mission to destroy the light by throwing water balloons, eggs, yogurt, meat patties, and whatever else we could find at the light. More to come on that.
Here is a picture of my bedroom. Me and Kirk were lucky enough to get there first and could pick the bedroom with the bathroom attached. This way we didn't have to share a bathroom with 4 other people.
Here is the picture of the den. It was pretty cool. The sofa was perfect for watching Braveheart and Tombstone (and don't forget Barker). The Christmas lights were Kirk's idea (and they called me the redneck!!)
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