Sea's Rage
Shivran Aerd Darkling Dawn
Name: Sea's Rage
Gender: Female
Colour: Mottled Brown White
Size: Small (green-sized)
Dam: Seaborne Strength
Sire: Aquamarine
Abilities:  Full Shifter, Brown Fyre (3), Summon Whale (1)
Personality: Playful and mischeivous, she enjoys playing little tricks on people and getting them in trouble, and even her best friends are not exempt. She's not a very good fighter and gives up very easily, preferring to go with the flow rather than waste energy by fighting back.
Bond: Ishirago
After finding out her friend Ny'avabei sponsored a dragonet, Sea's Rage was not to be outdone! Meet her new companion, Raen!
Name: Ishirago
Race: Dracanian/Danachian/Wynd/Lesser Kynnese/Schatternaki/Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/SCD/Iullerbrillan/Wyvern
Gender: Male
Parents: Feyesta x Ghost of Chance x Oeseparamay x Viscor
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Dark Banishment, Phasing
Personality: Saucy and cheeky when it comes to authority, Ishirago blazenly defies authority and enjoys doing so. He also enjoys making mischeif and bothering others, though he is fond of and will defer to Sea's Rage. He is quite stubborn and unbending in his opinions; he can be rebellious and a trouble to deal with.
Bond: Sea's Rage