People of The Fellowship of the Ring

Elijah Wood as Frodo Baggins

A courageous and high-spirited young hobbit, Frodo lives a peaceful life with his uncle Bilbo in Bag End of the Shire--until he is chosen by Gandalf to bring the One Ring to Mordor, where he will cast into the fires of Mount Doom. He proves his resilience, strength of will, and valor several times over during the Quest, as well as his compassion and mercy.

Sir Ian Holm as Bilbo Baggins

Bilbo is the son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took, and the uncle of Frodo. Although he plays the leading role in The Hobbit, the prequel to The Lord of the Rings, here he is chiefly Frodo's guardian and the owner of Bag End--until he leaves it in his young nephew's possession, along with the Ring he acquired in The Hobbit, and sets out to end his days in Rivendell.

Sean Astin as Samwise "Sam" Gamgee

Sam is not only the gardener at Bag End, but Frodo's loyal and loving friend. Humble, honest, cheerful and sensible, his devotion to his dearest friend carries him to the ends of Middle-Earth and back.

Dominic Monahagan as Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck

A rascal, rogue, and scoundrel with a heart of gold, Merry is Frodo's cousin and journeys with him as part of the Fellowship, until his capture by Orcs. He later distinguishes himself as a brave soldier on the Pelennor Fields and becomes a devoted follower of King Théoden of Rohan.

Billy Boyd as Peregrin "Pippin" Took

Pippin Took, a mischevious, impulsive, and cheeky young hobbit, is Merry's best friend and Frodo's distant relative. His insatiable curiosity has a tendency to get him into trouble--especially once he joins the quest to destroy the Ring.

Sir Ian McKellan as Gandalf the Grey

A wise and powerful wizard, he is also known as Mithrandir (the Grey Pilgrim) or Olórin. He is Frodo's constant guide and protector during the quest, and a source of great knowledge and strength. Sadly, he loses his life in a fierce battle with a Balrog--a fire demon of the ancient depths--to protect the Fellowship during their journey in the mines of Moria.

Christopher Lee as Saruman the White

Gandalf's former mentor and friend, Saruman turned to darkness and became the ally of Sauron at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. Not only was Isengard, the refuge of wizards in Middle-Earth, was turned into an evil fortress under Saruman's command, but by foul craft Saruman bred Goblins and Orcs and created a new species of beast-warriors--the Urúk-hai.

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, son of Arathorn

While he wanders the wilderness of Middle-Earth, he is known simply as "Strider", but his name and rough, disheveled appearance hide his true identity--Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the heir of Isildur and the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor. Strong, valiant, honorable, and a loyal companion, Aragorn leads the Fellowship after Gandalf's death.

Hugo Weaving as Elrond Peredhil

Son of the legendary Eärendil the Mariner and Elwing, Elrond and his twin brother Elros were given the choice to stay as their Elven selves or become mortal Men in The Silmarillion. While Elros chose mortality and went on to found the kingdoms of Men, Elrond remained with his Elven kindred and created Rivendell as a refuge for all Elves on Middle-Earth. Noble, wise, and proud, he is one of the last few Elf-lords east of Valinor.

Liv Tyler as Arwen Undómiel

The only daughter of Elrond Peredhil, Arwen is renowned for her beauty and courage. As an Elf she would have gone with her father to Valinor, the Undying Lands, but for the love of Aragorn she has forsaken her people and given up her immortality to remain with him as long as they live.

Orlando Bloom as Legolas Greenleaf

Legolas is the the son of Thranduil--the Elvenking of The Hobbit--and thus the Prince of Mirkwood. He joins the Fellowship during the Council of Elrond, and during the perils of the journey he proves his keen instincts, sharp eyesight, and deadly precision of aim several times over.

John Rys-Davies as Gimli, son of Glóin

The son of Glóin and the cousin of Balin--both of whom travelled with Bilbo in The Hobbit--Gimli is proud of his noble heritage. Fierce, temperamental, rash, and boastful, Gimli is nevertheless brave and devoted to his friends. He develops an unlikely friendship with Legolas during their journeys together.

Sean Bean as Boromir, son of Denethor

Boromir is the protector of Minas Tirith and the son of the Steward of Gondor. Despite his inordinate pride, fiery temper, and resentful bitterness towards Aragorn--which ultimately lead to his death in a battle against the Urúk-hai--he is friendly, fearless, and true of heart.

Cate Blanchett as Galadriel

Galadriel, a queen and great lady among the Elves, rules over the golden forest of Lothlórien with her husband Celeborn. Her wisdom and magic are only rivalled by her radiant beauty.

Other Characters

Isildur, son of Elendil, was one of the host of the Last Alliance when he slew Sauron. The One Ring passed to him, but he refused to destroy it and claimed it for his own. He was killed by Orcs on the Gladden Fields soon after; the Ring was lost in the depths of the River Anduin during the fight. He appears in the very beginning of the movie, and is played by Harry Sinclair.

Tom Bombadil and his wife Goldberry are not portrayed in the movie, but play an important part in the books. A jolly, kind old fellow, Tom offers the four hobbits a safe haven and a much-needed rest during their voyage to the nearby town of Bree.

Elrond's steward and chief advisor, Glorfindel, was originally the one who carried the ailing Frodo on horseback from the wilderness of Amon Sul to Rivendell, while pursued by the Ringwraiths. He is not portrayed in the movie.

Elrond's twin sons, Elrohir and Elladan, supposedly make a brief appearance at the Council in the movie (see Figwit below); they may play a larger part in The Two Towers and The Return of the King.

Figwit is not actually a character in The Fellowship of the Ring, but he has a remarkable story. Audiences watching the Council of Elrond scene noticed a tall, dark, and handsome unidentified Elf in attendance, and wondered who he was. Not receiving an answer--the character appears for a total of three seconds on the screen and does not receive a name in the credits--he was promptly dubbed Figwit (the letters stand for "Frodo Is Great...Who Is That?") and since has developed a huge fan following. While the possibility remains that Figwit is either Elladan or Elrohir (see above), both twin sons of Elrond, he is not Galdor, Erestor (both advisors to Elrond and residents of Rivendell), or Glorfindel; for the moment, Figwit, played by Bret McKenzie, remains without an official identity. Links to sites about Figwit, with more information, are available in the Links section.

Haldir, the leader of the archers who welcome the Fellowship to the realm of Galadriel, is the chief of archers in Lothlórien. He is played by Craig Parker in the movie.
