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Sounds from the Simpsons

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D'oh! - Homer

Bonjour - Groundskeeper

Burp - Barney

Ha ha - Nelson

"I want the Mayor dead..." - Fat Tony

"Thats good...thats bad" - Homer

Okey-dokely-doo - Ned Flanders

D'oh Echo - Homer

Ivana Tinkle! - Moe

"When I get hold of you, I'm gonna...." - Moe

"Where's the 'Any key'"? - Homer

Murder Bart Simpson - Side Show Bob

"I'm evil Homer" - Homer

"I never thought I could shoot down a German Plane.." - Grandpa

Woo Hoo! - Homer

"Why you Little!" - Homer

"D'oh!" "A deer" "A female deer" - Homer, Marge, Lisa

"The mail is here" - Homer (great for your IMs)

"Please Come Again" - Apu

Apu's Name - Apu

"We're done for!" - Ned

"Your husband is dead" - Dr Hibert

Space Aliens - Homer

"Thats the American way!" - Homer

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