Hello. My name is Lex, creator and maintainer of The NEW SIM HOME CENTRAL. The material contained on this web page is not public domain, you may use it as long as proper credit is given to either myself, or the creator of the content that you use that is on my site. if you use my content on your web page, then put me on your links page. thats all i ask...its fast, easy and will keep me from getting pissed. 

Frankly, i have not played the sims in a long time, until vacation came out.  when i went online to find some "interesting" things i was shocked to find that a lot of sites had went to "PAY ONLY" membership sites.  sorry but that is a crock of sim excrement!....i know that some people are real hard up for cash and will do almost anything to get it, but to charge for things like objects and skins??  do yourself a favor and go get a real job. that being said, everything here is either my own creation, or donated/contributed to make your sims experience better.



                                    How do i contribute?  
  easy!  email me your skins, houses, objects, ect to lex364@flashmail.com and i will include it


Contents of The NEW SIM HOME CENTRAL copyright 2000, 2002, LEX364 Productions.
All Rights reserved unless otherwise specified.

Special thanks to Paul Mcilwaine for allowing me to take the site and re-create it in my own twisted image