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Le Réseau des Célibataires

Fostering Not-For-Profit Singles Organizations in Canada's National Capital Region
Parraine tous les groupes de célibataires à but non lucratif dans la Région de la Capitale Nationale

This association is to provide awareness for the singles community of  the various not-for-profit singles organizations and their activities in the National Capital Region.
Established by members of the not-for-profit organizations for networking and mutual support.

Cette association à pour but de donner toute l'information pertinente à la communauté des célibataires faisant partie d'organizations à but non-lucratif dans la Région de la Capitale nationale.  Elle a été fondée par les membres des ces organisations à but non lucratif dans le but de mieux communiquer et de se supporter mutuellement.  Ce réseau de communications contribuera à l'amélioration de la vie sociale des célibataires.


Singles Network Newsletter
To view newsletter listing current events
of these and other singles groups see:

Active Singles Group
Bob's Place 50+Singles

Club Amitié-Loisirs
Gloucester Singles Club
Good Company
Kanata Singles Club
Le Cercle d'amitié Jonathan
New Friendship Singles Club
One Parent Families Assoc.

Ottawa Valley Social Group
People Meeting People (PMP)
Sunday Brunch Group
United Church Singles  
Valley Singles Club


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Active Singles Group
Meeting at Malone’s (Dow's Lake Pavilion) 
Every Monday at 6:30 pm + for socializing, dinner, and activity planning

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Dance club for singles & Couples 30 and over
Dances now held generally monthly, on Saturdays   8:00 pm to 12:30 am
2009: July 18; Aug. 29; Sep. 26; Oct. 24; Nov. 7; Dec. 5,  31
John Mlacak Centre,  2500 Campeau Drive,  Kanata ON
(West of Teron Road - exit Highway 417 at Eagleson Road)

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One Parent Families Association
A non-profit organization of families with one parent  providing a variety of family 
and adult activities, consisting of educational, recreational and social events.
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Sunday Brunch Group
Founded in 1989 to provide a friendly, informal environment for unattached 
single adults to meet others for the purpose of developing new friendships 
and networking through brunches at local restaurants. 
2009:  June 7, 21; July 5, 19; Aug 9, 23; Sep. 13, 27; Oct. 11, 25; Nov. 8, 22; Dec. 6 (Xmas);
   SBG SCHEDULE / INFO       Call: Sonia: 613-825-7083 

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Gloucester Singles Club
Non-profit singles club for social dancing.
Most singles over 30 - Proper dress required.
Dances usually held every two weeks
pm -1:00am
Club Célibataire de Gloucester
In operation since September 1997.
Attendance typically between 150 and 250.
Cyrville Community Centre, Gloucester 
4355 Halmont Drive, Gloucester
     2009:  Jan. 10, 24; Feb. 7, 21; Mar. 7, 21; Apr. 4, 18; May 2, 16, 30; June 13, 27;
July 11, 25; Aug. 8, 22;  Sep. 5, 19; Oct. 3, 17, 31;  Nov. 14, 28; Dec. 12, 26
Admission: Members $5, Non-Members $8 (includes light snacks) - Door Prizes - Cash Bar 
For more info call our infoline at 613-860-0990
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People Meeting People (PMP)
50+ Singles Dance 
Dance held  Saturdays, except the last Saturday of each month & except Nov. & Dec. 
8:00pm-12:00am  Light luncheon served at 10:30, door prize, 50/50 draw
Admission: Members $8;  Non-Members $11
2009: Jan. 10, 17,24; Feb. 7, 14, 21; Mar. 7, 14, --, 28; Apr. 4, 11, 18; May 2, 9, --, 23, 30; June 6, 13, 20;
July 4, 11, 18; Aug. 8, 15, --, 29; Sep. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10 17, --, 31; Nov 7, 14, 21; Dec 5, 12, 19, 31
Carleton Heights Community Centre, 1665 Apeldoorn Street
For information call:  613-825-7083
or 613-224-6805 

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Good Company
Friday night drop-in at Arrow and the Loon in the Fifth Avenue Court - Corner of Bank and Fifth Ave
 Starting time around 5:30 pm.
 The drop-in is a great opportunity to meet other members in a casual environment. 
We also hold a variety of other events - See Singles Network Newsletter. 
Information: or call

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Club Amitié-Loisirs
Le Club Amitié-Loisirs a pour objectif de permettre aux célibataires francophones de la région de se rencontrer,
de socialiser et de se faire de nouveaux amis(es) par le biais d’activités sociales, culturelles et sportives.

Le Club Amitié-Loisirs est un organisme à but non lucratif, régit par des statuts et des règlements
s’adressant aux professionnels de 30 à 55 ans, hommes et femmes s’exprimant en français. 
Programmation trimestrielle.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez appeller notre boite vocale au  819-778-2485
Bienvenue aux futurs membres.

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Le Cercle d'amitié Jonathan  
Le Cercle offre des activités sociales et culturelles pour hommes et femmes 

seuls de 45 ans et plus, francophones et non-fumeurs. Ses membres habitent le Québec ou l'Ontario
et se réunissent le dimanche matin à la cafétéria du Musée canadien des civilisations à Hull entre 10h00 et midi.

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United Church Singles
Welcome to United Church Singles.
We organize potlucks (bring your own dishes) usually at 6:30pm on the 4th Saturday of the month.
Also board games, dancing, schuffleboard, barbecues, dinner at restaurants, social and cultural outings.
Dave Stinson at 613-838-5940 or  Ruby Elver at 613-828-4564

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Valley Single's Club 
We are a group of single people, men and women that are interested in finding companions.
We meet once a month, the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm for a luncheon.
The luncheon is at a family restaurant, with in the area.  It usually rotates from one area to another.
We have Ottawa, Almonte, Carleton Place, Arnprior, Renfrew, Calabogie, and Cobden, and Eganville
clients looking for the love of their life, or friend, or just a mate to sit back and talk too. Professionals welcomed.  
For current events see:   
  For more information please call Laurie 613-623-7381 or email us at  

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F.A.C.E.S. (Friendly, Active, Catholic, Exclusively for Singles).  Activities will appeal to those over the age of 35. 
FACES has  dinner events and brunch as well as a variety of outdoor sporting events.  
There are no membership fees, only a $2 charge for some activities.
For activity information call Bob Diotte at  
613-747-6576 or email to

. (Fonction Amicale Catholique Exclusivement pour gens Seuls).
 Nos activités intéressent surtout les gens de plus de 35 ans. Il n'y a pas de frais d'adhésion. 
Par contre, nous recueillons des frais de $2 sur certaines activités.
Pour plus de renseignements, appelez Nicole au 

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New Friendship Singles Club
Dance for singles 30 +, every Friday 8:30-12:30pm
Great music, door prizes, snacks - Dance, dance, dance!
Have fun and meet new friends
1000 Byron Avenue (near Woodroffe & Richmond Rd)
For information call 

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Ottawa Valley Social Group (OVSG)

"Linking friends
     the Valley"


  • Parties
  • Brunches
  • Skiing
  • Golf 
  • Sports
  • Day Trips
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Photography
  • Weekend Excursions

 Interested? Want To Get Involved?
Call  Doug at:  Home 
613-832-GOLF (4653)
                              Cell  613-298-GOLF (4653)
To join our mailing list, e-mail us at:

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  Bob's Place 
"Where the 50+ Singles Meet"

Meet one Sunday of the month: 7:00-11:00pm
Sunday: April 26; May 17; June 28; July 26; Aug. 23; Sep. 27; 
 Montgomery Legion - 330 Kent Street -Admission $10.00. 
Appropriate dress, no jeans. Great music, door prizes and refreshments
For further information call 613-742-8195 or 613-825.7083

| TOP |

| Singles Network Newsletter |
| Active Singles Group | Bob's Place 50+Singles ||Club Amitié-Loisirs | F.A.C.E.S. |
| Gloucester Singles Club |
Good Company Kanata Singles Club | Le Cercle d'amitié Jonathan |  
| New Friendship Singles Club  |
One Parent Families Association |  
| Ottawa Valley Social Group | People Meeting People (PMP) |
Sunday Brunch Group
| | United Church Singles   |  Valley Singles Club |



Single Persons Association of Montreal
Association des personnes seules de Montréal



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