Sailor Moon: The Rise of B'aal


Somewhere in the Israeli Desert:

The hot Israeli sun beat down upon the ancient land as it had done since time began, covering everything with its merciless light and heat. All around, birds and small desert animals skited or flew here and there, desperately trying to find a bit of water in this ever cruel and merciless land. The sky was a bright and cloudless blue, foretelling another long day of heat and misery.

Leaning heavily on his walking stick, an elderly Israeli man carefully lead his few sheep along the dry land, keeping his sharp eyes open for any strangers or sheep thieves. After countless years of doing this, the dark-skinned man knew how to distinguish every sound he heard and sight he saw, and where to find grass and water for his sheep. He slowly steered his sheep to the old water hole that his family has used for countless years, his stick making a soft click after each of his steps. As his sheep hurried off to the small pond and began drinking greedily, the bells on their collars rang sharply in the still, hot air. The Hebrew man carefully pushed his turban off his head and wiped the sweat from off his brow and bald head. He sat down at the bank of the pond, and pondered the new events in his old life as he watched the herd.

So far, all was well. His beautiful, youngest daughter was to be married in about a week, and his only son was to be a father within days, adding to his collection of many grandchildren. He was proud of how his children came out, some becoming teachers and even a doctor. He was happy, and he had the ever merciful God to thank.

Moments which seemed to last a lifetime passed peacefully, the desert quiet and smoldering in the heat. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, as though the Earth itself was ripping open. One of the sheep, a female one, gave a frightful bleat, running away from the rest of the herd. Soon, more sheep began to bleat loudly and moan in fright, following after one another. The old man hurriedly stood up, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he looked around for any intruders, but he saw no one. He picked up his stick and began chasing as fast as he could after his sheep as they ran and made a turn at a large stone rock that was standing a few feet away to the left of them. Just as he was about to shout obscenities at them as he made the same turn the sheep did, he stopped dead in his tracks. Far off in the distance in the horizon, a large black cloud was forming over an immense, deep crack within the desert earth. Lightning flashed down from the cloud to the dry earth below it. As he continued to watch, the black cloud seemed to get bigger and bigger, the lightning more frequent. The sheep began to bleat and wail louder, huddling together and trying to hide behind the rock.

Just then, a blast of wind like no other hit the old man, nearly knocking him off his feet. But it was no ordinary wind; this wind was filled with a foul smell...a smell filled with ageless evil and was a wind filled with hate, loathing, contempt and every foul deed of the Earth. This wind didn't not bring relief from the heat, but instead made it more insufferable, made it hard to even breath, so foul and thick it was. The old man was so overwhelmed by it, he fell to his knees and vomited. His whole stomach and diaphragm contracted violently as they emptied all the contents that he had eaten that morning.

The enormous black cloud seem to move in closer and closer from the horizon, moving past mountains and hills. Strangely, no rain seem to fall from the blackened only started to get bigger and spit out flashes of lightening. As it passed over the old man, it seemed to go on forever and ever in the small desert, as if it wanted to cover the whole Earth. There was a earthquake then, and the man was knocked from his knees and lay sprawled on the floor. Rocks and boulders began to fall from the smalls hills that surrounded the man and sheep, nearly pummeling them. Not even a second later, the Earth split open again and made a large hole a few feet from the heavy breathing man. Smoke and fire pushed heavily out of it. More of the foul smell assailed the man's nostrils, making the man wish he could die just to escape from it.

A voice erupted from the hole just then, an ancient voice that foretold death and destruction. It was an ancient voice filled with many millennia of hate and revenge, of wanting nothing more than to see every living thing made to suffer as it suffered, and for all to die an unimaginable death. "It has begun!" the loud voice croaked out. The ground began to shake even more then, sending more rocks and boulders falling.

"Let it be known on this day, that I, B'aal, will avenge my humiliation! I will take back what was once mine, and make those who have taken God's favor from us suffer! I will regain my father's throne in Heaven, and eliminate Man, God's mistake in His creation of the Earth Realm. Once more, I and my father and brothers will be the center of God's love and favor, and no more be made to suffer as Man prospers. Beware, inhabitants of the Earth! Soon, what you have taken for granted will be ours again. My father shall be once more known as Lucifer, the beautiful Morning Star, and nothing will stand in our way! Soon, all will suffer as I and my brothers have suffered, and all will feel my wrath."

The voice began to laugh loud out horribly, and flashes of lightening crashed down from the foul black sky to the flaming hole. The old man's heart, already weakened in his old age, couldn't handle the amount of stress and poison from the wind entering his body. As he desperately tried to catch his breath, his heartbeat began to go slower and slower. Within seconds, it stopped all together, and the last thought in the man's mind before his life force faded away was his beautiful and precious grandchildren.


Brazil, South America

Our Lady of the Ascension Church:

The middle-aged Irish priest calmly made his way out of his confession box, hoping to relax for just a few minutes before he started his confession hour again. He slowly walked up to the alter of the centuries old church and knelt down in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary, and after making the sign of the cross, said a little prayer for those who have confessed their sins today while clutching his rosary tight in his hands. Behind him, the pews and balcony seats of the church were nearly empty, as it was noon and people out to lunch.

Then, the church suddenly began to shake in its foundation, and small paintings and statues began to fall and crash on the holy floor, causing the priest to trip and fall himself. The few people in the church began to scream and rush out of the large double doors, sure that somehow they were being punished despite being in church. Seconds later, just as suddenly at it began, the tremors stopped. But the Irish man didn't notice. Instead, dread like no other filled his heart. Somehow, he knew this was not an ordinary earthquake.

An old evil is behind this. he thought to himself. It was an evil he feared would come about after the many manuscripts he has read and translated over the years. It was happening! He hurried to his feet and rushed to his office upstairs. He knew of only one other man that would know what was going on..who knew this day was coming. He was the one man who he trusted, who used to be a reverend, but was now a doctor. The one man he had been friends with for many years and lived with in Libya. But after the tragic loss of his wife, he began to slowly lose his faith, and finally closed himself from the Church all together. From what he last remembered, he was living in Tokyo with his now teenaged daughter. He quickly rushed through his phone book and flipped through the many numbers within it. "By the Grace of God and all the Saints, please let him still believe!" the man whispered to himself as he continued to search.


Sailor Moon: The Rise of B'aal

Chapter 1

Tokyo, Japan,

Juuban District:

One week later (and about 6 months after "Destiny of the Stars")

Late February

The alarm clock on the dressing table near the large bed began to beep loudly on the strike of 7:00 a.m., but the occupant on the bed didn't even hear it. The clock continued to beep for another 5 minutes until it mercifully stopped, and the bedroom door opened a crack, giving a little light to the dark room. A golden furred dog quietly slipped into the room, already knowing the routine he would have to go through this morning. When he saw that his charge was nowhere near getting up, despite the alarm clock, he sighed and shook his golden head. Some things never change!

He calmly jumped up on the bed near Tanya's sleeping form, and nudged his nose against the side of her face. "'s morning, and you have to get up now. Do you know what day it is today?" Marco asked calmly. When he saw she still didn't move, he began to gently lick her face.

But the dark-skinned girl only groaned and turned away. When Marco licked her again, she groaned louder and waved her hand. "Marco, stop! Just go away! Can't you just let me sleep for five more minutes?" Tanya mumbled before she went deeper under the covers.

The dog rolled his eyes. "Well, I could, but since it's almost 7:10 already, and you're supposed to have a math final today that is 50 percent of your grade at 8:00, I thought it might be a little important to you." The dog would have shrugged if he could, but instead, he calmly jumped down from the bed.

For a few seconds there was silence, then Tanya shot straight up, her eyes now wide open. "WHAT! Oh no, my math final! OHHHH! Marco, why didn't you get me up earlierrrrrrrrr!" she screamed.

"Well, excuse me!" Marco answered, a mischievous smile on his face, "But I would think by now you wouldn't need me to get you up. Your birthday passed about 6 months ago, along with Ami's and Minako's, so I was hoping you'd mature a little after that," The dog then gave her a suspicious look, "Speaking of which, what exactly happened between you and Yaten-san when you stayed over the night at his place the other night? You came home with that strange look in your face..."

But before he could finish, he had to make a mad dash out of the way as Tanya blushed furiously and threw one of her pillows at him. "M..Marco! You...You know that we promised that until whenever we DO get married, we wouldn't...I mean...w..we're not supposed to..." The dark-skinned girl blushed again at what almost transpired between Yaten and herself that night. She remembered they had just changed into their night clothes...Tanya in her form fitting, white lace nightgown, and Yaten in only his boxer shorts. What had started out as a tickle war when Tanya made a bad joke to break the shy silence, and Yaten playfully fell on top of her, slowly turned into deep kisses, then to hands roaming and touching on sensitive parts of their bodies....

Tanya blushed harder and shook her head to get rid of the sensuous images. She was about to throw another pillow to keep the chuckling dog from saying another word, but instead she looked at the clock, saw what time it was, and gave small shriek at how late it had gotten. She dropped the pillow, dashed out of bed and ran right into the bathroom, nearly knocking Marco out of the way. Another typical morning in the Cambridge household began as Tanya took a quick shower, hurriedly got dressed after kicking Marco out of her room, brushed her long black hair, and raced downstairs.

Meanwhile, Tanya's father, already used to the hustle and bustle noise upstairs from his daughter's room, calmly placed breakfast down on the table for them to eat together...although he doubted that will ever occur now. Looks like I'll be eating breakfast alone again. the older man thought with a knowing smile. But the smile faded as Peter remembered the strange phone he received not too long ago. His old friend, Father Timothy O'Brien, called late that night, babbling about some "prophecy" finally coming about and some kind of earthquake that occurred where he lived in South America. But Peter hadn't been able to get a word in before the man breathlessly told him that he will be there soon and to watch for any strange events, then hung up on him. The former Reverend and now doctor didn't know what was going on, but knew it had to be serious to have shook up his long time friend like that.

His reverie was interrupted when he heard Tanya racing down the stairs, then saw her dash into the kitchen. "Good morning!" he smiled, "I just thought that maybe I can give you a ri..."

"Morning! Can't talk Dad, I'm running late! See you later, have a good day!" the girl gushed out before he could finish. She grabbed one of the toasts on her plate and shoved it into her mouth as she picked up her book bag and coat hung up near the back door.

"But I can give you a lift this mor..."

"Sorry, gotta go! See you later!" Tanya didn't even hear her father trying to tell her he can give her a ride to school this morning. She dashed out the back door with a quick wave and slammed the door hard behind her. One of the pictures hung up over the kitchen sink wobbled a bit on its nail from the force of the slam, then fell with a crash into the sink.

"If only she was that much in a hurry to study," the dark-skinned man said. He chuckled to himself at his daughter's wayward ways, then sighed at what he thought about earlier with his friend. With a thoughtful look, he went over to pick up the fallen picture.


Tanya huffed and puffed as she ran with extra speed down the street toward Juuban High School. She took one last bite and swallow the rest of her toast, then looked around her. The street were already empty of the school students she normally saw on her way to school, due to the big test that day, as they were hoping to gain a few extra minutes of study time. Oh man, I must be REALLY late! Even Usagi isn't running by usual. Yaten either...

She gave an extra burst of speed, her heart pounding fast, when suddenly a sleek black, gold, and white Kawasaki motorcycle pulled up next to her in the street. Tanya was about to run by it when a familiar voice stopped her. "Oi, kawaii neko-chan! What's your hurry?"

Tanya looked back and skidded to a halt, and when the rider removed the helmet and shook out her short, dark blonde hair, she smiled and waved.

"Haruka onee-san! Ohaiyo! Good morning!" Tanya rushed up to her and gave her a quick hug.

"I was expecting Ogando head to be running through here at this time, but I guess she beat you this morning, ne?" The dark blonde woman winked mischievously at her.

"You'd better not let Usagi hear you calling her that anymore. She'll freak!" Tanya smiled, then hung her head in defeat. "But you're right, I'm late, and I might miss my big math test. It's supposed to be 50 percent of my grade." The smaller girl sighed pitifully.

"Hop on!" Haruka smiled as she held out an extra helmet to her. "I'll get you to school in no time. But this will be our little secret, okay? Michiru gets nervous when I give the other girls rides on this thing. It's a good thing she's home still sleeping after her big performance last night." The racer winked mischievously again.

"H...honto ni? Really?" Tanya asked, her eyes wide as she looked into Haruka's blue ones. Haruka smiled and nodded. Laughing, Tanya slipped the helmet on and hoped on behind the experienced racer. Wrapping her arms around Haruka's waist, Tanya held on tight. Then, with a loud "Let's go!", Haruka gunned the engine and they were both speeding down the street.

"YAHOOO!" Tanya yelled out as she felt the wind rushed by her. She didn't see as older people looked on in disapproval at such a display so early in the morning


A few hours later:

On the other side of town, a young Hispanic girl in a TA Academy For Girls of the few Catholic schools in Japan..knelt before a statue of the Virgin Mary, praying silently about her family and friends. When she finished, she walked out of the school's praying chapel and headed toward the main school building, feeling much better about herself and the day. Suddenly, the area around her began to tremble, knocking her to the hard, concrete ground.

The ground split opened, and out of the smoking hole jumped a medium-height, red demon, complete with several black horns on its forehead, clove feet that resembled a horse's back legs, and a pointed tail. It hissed at the cowering girl, then walked towards her. "Your soul belongs to me now! Surrender to the true Prince of the Universe!"

The demon stretched a red hand towards the screaming girl. A blast of white light erupted from it and struck the girl full force in her middle. She screamed louder as her soul, in the shape of a small crystal ball, emerged from her chest and began to float towards the waiting, evil creature.


As Hino Rei was outside walking to her next class in the main building, she heard a loud terrified scream. She quickly dropped her books and rushed to where the sound came from. When she turned the corner to the school's chapel, she stopped dead in her tracks and gasped aloud at the sight she saw; a girl was on the ground, pale and screaming, and standing before her was...could it be? An actual...demon? She shook her head to clear it. That was impossible! Demons with horns and tails only existed in bibles and fairy tales, didn't it? But as she looked on, she knew that what she was seeing was real...very real.


To be continued...


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