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Sister Love - Holy Lady & Spiritual Advisor
The Cross Will
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The Cross Will
Take You Home
Charles Darwin was a sinner fool who lived back in the old 1800 days.  He didn't believe in the good and merciful Lord, Jesus Christ.  Why, he didn't even believe in any of the FALSE gods that other non-Christian idiots believe in!  No, he had some crazy notion that man somehow "evolved" (as they like to call it) from apes and monkeys, or something. 
I tell you right now, it don't make no sense, whatsoever, to believe in that kind of junk, even if a bunch of demon possessed, so-called scientists say so!  Anybody who's got even a little bit of sense knows that the theory of evolution is just a bunch of made-up bull crap, poppycock, malarkey nonsense! 
Shoot fire, I don't know why anybody wastes their time trying to figure out where we came from anyway.  We already have the answer to that question written in black and white in the Holy and Infallible King James Version of the Bible, praise God!  That's right!  According to the Bible, which is the Word of God, God made a statue of a man out of mud, and breathed His holy breath of life into him.  Then, God put that man he made (Adam) to sleep, and he took out one of his ribs and made a woman (Eve) out of it.  Now, that story makes PERFECT sense, and it's been written there all along in God's holy and infallible word, the King James Bible, all along!  How anybody has the nerve to be stupid enough to question it, brothers and sisters, is beyond me!
Well, that dumb ass, Charles Darwin, is dead now, so we don't have to worry about him running around spreading his stupid lies anymore.  He knows now that there IS a God.  He knows now that there IS an eternal lake of fire and brimstone called Hell, because he's frying, weeping, wailing, and gnashing his teeth down there right now, glory to God!  It's just too bad he wrote all his ridiculous ideas down in some books, and there are idiots who read that junk now, and still believe it.  If they only knew that Charles Darwin in burning and scorching right now in the bowels of Hell, they'd probably burn them stupid books, praise God!
One of these days, real soon, my precious Jesus is gonna come back to this earth to wreak his holy vengeance on this rotten, wicked world.  He's gonna take all them retards that believe in evolution, and all the other idiots who won't worship him, and toss them in the lake of fire and brimstone to burn for all eternity.  They'll wish then that they had listened to reason and lived an holy and sin-free life, praise God!
Darwin might have come from a monkey, but I sure didn't!