The Hive of Sisterbea
Let There Be Peace On Earth

          Welcom to the website of my granddaughters. There are three of them. Their names are Hannah Grace, Jayme Cairrel and Faythe Hope. They are a lot of fun. Since Phil and I only had boys, these little girls are a hit with us!
          This is Hannah at 2 years old. She is so busy all the time. Hannah changed my name from Granny Bea to just Bea! As the oldest grandchild, that seems to be her perogative. Oh well! I love it!

          This is Jayme at 6 months old. She is older now and new pictures will be posted in a few weeks. Jayme is a very loving little girl and she is a precious jewel!

          This is Faythe at 2 years of age. The picture was taken at her day care school. Do you see the mischeviousness in that little face?

          Hannah and Jayme

          This is Hannah at 3 years old. She is on the deck of her house and goofing around. She is growing into a fine little gal and she and I are a mutual admiration society!

          Well something seems to be funny!

          While Jayme was bent down watching the fish and the stingrays, a stingray slid up the glass and met her eye to eye. She didn't like that one bit so she went to sit by her Paw Paw. *LOL*

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          Some of the graphics on this page were picked from Becki's Garden. Thanks Becki!