Max HQ
For all anybody cares, portugal and italy might as well be the same country.  They've both lost every war I've ever heard about, and they both have ugly, dirty, fat asses living in them.  SO WHAT DO THEY DO???  They move to our fucking country and live off of our welfare.  BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE.  They insist that it was waaaaay better back in their shit ass country and that they'd do anything to live there again.  Which begs the question, who the hell asked you to come here in the first place?  If it was so fucking great there, then why the hell did you or your parents leave?  I'll tell you why, cause it was a shithole.  And now they have nothing better to do but stuff their faces with pizza hut and complain about how its not how they made it back home.  Now I know exactly what all the Portugese people reading this are thinking, "I'm nothing like Italians, we're different."  Different my ass.  All fucking Portalian kids have the same stupid mustache when their 5 years old, and all the adults are fat when they reach age 22.  You wanna know what I do to those kids when they're walking home from school, I break out my razor right on the spot and shave their mustache off for them.  Only because I know they're going to grow up to be just as stupid as their parents.  So if you're reading this and it offends you, get out of our country, we like it here
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