This page is in progress. Additional information is compiled and coded as time permits.  Our best source of information is you.  Please, submit your family information for inclusion or correction of records.  
(From BellCounty)

d: died as a result of wounds or disease
killed in battle
[Indicates census data]
White, Robert M. Recruited Company from   Rangers in BellCounty. Promoted to regimental major.  Killed in combat on DuckIsland on the Tennessee RiverApril 26, 1863.  Buried in BellCounty. See Bio in regimental history.
Whittington, William B. Promoted to Captain from 2nd   Lt after Major White was promoted to major and moved to staff.  Commanded the company for the remainder of   the war.
Rather, William S. He was a Assistant   Quartermaster Officer on the regimental staff ,March 13, 1862.
Baker, R. Henry
Miller, John A.
Clark Edward M. He was discharged August 18, 1862.
Collard, Edward R. From Rusk?
Riggs, William S. From Belton, TX.
Keller, Andrew M. Tommy
Clary, John M.
Graham, James W.
Holt, John M.
Kingsbury, Charles H.
Nichols, Robert
Walker, Martin L.
Wright, Robert N.
Dumas, Albert A. Alonzo
Haggard, Martin M.
Hamilton, James
Nichols, William H.
Bramlett, S. G. From Austin
Hannah, A. W. Hanna in BellCountyRecords.
Coots, George W.
Lambert, James John in BellCountyRecords.
Bigham, Oliver H.
Alvis, Ashley May be Ashley, Alvis
Armstrong, Matthias
Arnold, James
Arthur, Giles W.
Beeman, Ronaldo   R. (Nal)
Beene, Thomas F.
Bigelow, James W.
Blackwell, Mathew H.
Blair, Albert S. CountyRecords.
Bond, John Henry Not in Bell
Bradford, Benjamin J.
Bramlet, Ambrose
Bookman, John C.
Bruce, William E.
Carl, William
Christian, John W. Jno W.
Church, John H.
Clark, Ephraim E.
Cobb, H. P. Not in BellCountyRecords.
Corley, Nathaniel C. Cawley in BellCountyRecords.
Cox, James H.
Crawford, Henry
Danley, Charles W.
Day, James M.
Fitzgerald, M. Not in BellCountyRecords.
Freeman, Alexander Austin
Gassaway, W. J. B. F. in BellCountyRecords.
Goodsell, Frank W. Scott in BellCountyRecords.
Graves, R. Newton
Graves, Thomas
Hackelton, Henry K.
Hall, Boykin
Heise, August J.
Heleman, Fred H. NenryHellerman   in BellCountyRecords.
Hodge, James W. No last name in Bell County Records.
Hughes, Haywood
Kelley, George D. John?
Keys, Matthew Mathew in BellCountyRecords.
Kuykendall, William C.
Lock, Larkin C.
McDonald, John T. Tommy.
McGill, William C.
McNeil, Artemus T.
Middleton, Branick
Miller, James H.
Miller, Lankston
Moore, James W. Not in BellCountyRecords.
Music, John
McCorcle, James
Nibbing, Washington
Neibling in BellCountyRecords.
Niebling, Frederick
Neibling in BellCountyRecords.
Olden, William M.
Oliver, F. M. Not in BellCountyRecords.
Perkins, Jacob A.
Perkins, William J.
Riggs, James Lou Lyon in BellCountyRecords.
Roberts, Abram M.
Roseborough, Cyrus A.
Shanklin, John W.
Smith, Edwin A.
Smith, James M.
Stacy, Lewis
Staples, John H.
Starger, Lewis Not in BellCountyRecords.
Stevenson, E.
Teagarden, Albert   L.
Teagarden, Thomas H.
Tucker, John M.
Tucker, Thomas C.
Vanness, J. Armistead
Venable, William J.
Vond, Henry
Wade, George W.
Walker, G. W. Not in BellCountyRecords
Walker, Robert A.
Warren, H. J. A. J. in BellCountyRecords.
Warren, Peter R.
Westbrook, Michael C.
White, B. Sterling Whtie in BellCountyRecords.
White, Nim S.
White, William Alex From Belton.
Williams, Abram O. Not in BellCountyRecords.
Williams, Jesse
Willingham, Wilson
Wright, Richard J.
Wynn, Peter
Way, Wilbern From BellCountyRecords.
Federal rolls were compiled   from bi-monthly individual records.    Miss-spellings occurred when clerks or adjutants changed or miss heard   the names reported to them.  Some   soldiers could not write or spell.    Some of the individual data was entered by TareltonStateUniversity
Additions and corrections solicited and welcome
Please email William Nolan
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