This is Max, my first sweety kitty. He had a congestive heart, and eventually died of a heart attack, no joke. He was a good cat, God rest his soul.
This here was my second kitty Sam. He was a great cat, but we're not really sure what happened to him. He just kind of wandered off and never came back. He might of been cat-napped, or maybe he was sick and went off to die. No one knows.
Here's my little kitty Socksie when she was just a baby. Wasn't she cute?
It was summer, and the sink was cold, so she'd just jump in it and "cool her heels".
She was asleep here, and I woke her up. That's why she looks a little p.o.'d. :-D She's still pretty though.
Now, here, she IS asleep. I think she takes after me in the way that we sleep in the weirdest positions. :-)
Here she hadn't been asleep, but she still has that look on her face of "Get outta here! Ya botha me!" don't you think? :-D
Socks is famous, yo! My bestest friend made a page about this huggable kitty. :-)
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