The Sam & Jack Episode Forum

Reviewer's Needed


The SJF is always looking for episode reviewer's, so if you're able to help that would be wonderful!

Any episode or season... "Shippy Reviews" or "Full Reviews"... the floor is wide open for review's and reviewer's. Even if a review has already been done for particular episode, you are still more than welcome to write a review for it. All review's are gladly accepted and used. The only "restriction" is the "Dripping Sarcasm Reviews". These are done exclusively by Phantom Chic.


If you'd like to submit a review, we would appreciate it if you could follow these few simple guidelines:


FIRSTLY, THANK YOU Your review is much needed, and wanted! We can never have too many review's at the SJF... especially in the "Shippy Reviews" section. :)

CONTENT - SHIPPY REVIEWS For "Shippy Reviews", the content guideline is pretty basic. Simply write down your comments on the "shippy scenes" of the episode, give an "overall comment" on the shippiness in the episode, and give it a "shippy rating". That's it. If you're still unsure on what to do, then simply have a look at some of the "Shippy Reviews" already completed.

CONTENT - FULL REVIEWS For "Full Reviews", the content guideline is as easy as it comes. Simply give us a general overview of the entire episode. A sentence or two about every scene is the best way to go, but there really is no restriction on how much or how little you write. If you're still unsure on what to do, then simply have a look a some of the "Full Reviews" already completed.

SHIPPY RATING What's a "shippy rating" and how do you work one out? Easy. Give the episode a rating between 1 and 5. 1 being "not much shippiness at all, in fact, almost nil shippiness" and 5 being "the shippiest episode there is". Episodes like "Point Of View" and "Message In A Bottle" are usually given ratings of 4 or 5, whereas episodes like "Politics" and "The Serpents Lair" are usually 1 or 2. You can give "half" ratings, like, 1.5 or 4.5. These ratings are then modified into a percentage (by the SJF), and that's the episode's "shippy rating".

NO FORMATTING Please do not send "preformatted" reviews to the archive. Simply write or copy&paste your review into the body of your email and send it to us that way. It makes our job a lot quicker and therefore, gets your review on the directory a lot sooner.

SEND IT IN All review's should be sent to:


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