This section of the page is dedicated to educate YOU on a part of our VAST hisory and a little bit of info on how we came to be SKAPEGHOSTZ. First off, you need to know who the members of Skapeghostz are. There's Abstrakt, Sinykill, and SAK. We started out a couple years ago, pretty much just fuckin around with a tape recorder, a boom box, a couple plates and pencils, and a shit load of time to waste. We decided that we would try rappin and, DAMN, WE SUCKED! But we thought it was tight as hell and it was somethin to do, so we kept at that shit. We agreed that the name of our group would be WAFFERS. As we got better and more serious about rappin, we changed our name a few times. We had fuckin Square #1, then Skapegoats, but Skapegoats was taken, so it was sugested that we change our name to Skapeghostz becuase it sounded horrorcore and that was primarily the kind of music we were doin at the time, though, in the beginning we did something called "loser rap". We're pretty sure that we invented that shit. It's basically just rap about bein scrubby losers, and that's what we are. We still do loser rap, but we like horrorcore too, so you'll hear a diverse fuckin range of music from us. But, anyways, here we are, bustin the wicked shit and some scrubby shit that may hurt your ears a little bit. That's about 1/100,000 of our history. If you have any questions check out the contax section and get our screen names and e-mail adresses and just ask us. |