Colorado Mountains

Airplane Project


Getting back to work!

Some updates: June 8, 2009

Webcam view of Thomas Basin in Ketchikan. I lived there for awhile. It rains lots but beautiful place to see.

Live webcam view of Eagle County Airport from the Eagle County Colorado website. This is where I started working on the airplane.
Track airline flights enroute to and from Eagle County Ariport courtesy of the Eagle County.
Checkup on the Eagle County homepage here.

Now based in hot dusty Southeast Idaho and not really sure why...!!?

Finally have been returning to work on the project! I attended a EAA Sportair builders workshop in Arlington, WA in May as a mini vacation and to get some inspiration. The garage is more orgainized so I can at least work in there. The down side is that the poor car must sit outside.

Not sure if I'll continue updates via this page or on some other venue. There are more locations online now for hosting with more capabilities. That would mean I spend less time making online updates. I'll keep a link from here if the location changes.

The local EAA group also had a view the projects session in the chapter. There are a few other RV projects in the area. That also got me more tuned up for the work ahead. I am finding it is a challenge to find out what was the next step in the project. So stay tuned this might even be flying machine in the sky one of these days.

Old Plates
I did have this back for awhile!
  • Empennage - Where it all started

  • For some that may not be familiar with the RV7, this is a picture similar to what the final product will look like. The links above point to pictures and dialogue on the project. The kit is from Van's Aircraft and mine is a model RV7a.
    Van's Aircraft RV7

    Email: skiflyn (at) yahoo (dot) com

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