Papua New Guinea
KVEDO, Inc. is a non-profit, community-based, sustainable environmental development advocacy organization based in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province. It was founded by Samson Komati Yuimb with the principal aim of helping rural villagers improve their quality of life or standard of living through actively engaging in eco-forestry, nature conservation, and eco-tourism initiatives. Over the past couple of years, KVEDO has initiated the following community development projects:
  • Wopkola Rainforest Conservation Site- This 30 plus hectare rainforest patch inside Kokopo Village was once a pride of the Kentiga Tribe; however, over the last couple of decades, the site was exploited of its forestry resources by native villagers through mere ignorance. In August of 2000, KVEDO claimed ownership of this important cultural site and has spent time, money, and labor resources towards developing it into a well-managed, well-protected, and a beautifully lush conservation site in Western Highlands Province. Further developments are being undertaken to make this site an official national conservation site. For more information, click here.
  • New Primary School Project- This involves building of a new primary school inside Kokop Village to cater for the growing number of children within the Kentiga Tribe and other neighboring tribes. The work on this project begins in June of 2004 and official commencement of classes early 2005. Foreign volunteers are immediately needed for this project, apply now
  • Eco-Forestry Project - Over the last 4 years, KVEDO has bought and planted over 10, 000 tree seedlings in eco-forestry sites throughout Kokop Village. About US$7, 413 (K21, 500) was raised among its members to annually fund the operations of the project between 2000 and 2004. KVEDO plans on expanding the tree planting project throughout other rural villages in Western Highlands Province between fiscal 2004-2005 through purchase of thousands of tree seedlings from the Kagamuga Tree Nursery and distributing them to interested rural villagers for planting in their respective customary lands. Over the next 20 years (2004 - 2024), KVEDO plans on expanding and duplicating this project nationwide. For more information, click here.
  • Eco-Tourism Project- In order to complement the eco-forestry and the nature conservation (Wopkola Rainforest) project, an eco-lodge is being developed at Kokop Village by Samson Yuimb to promote eco-tourism in the rural village. The project aims to help rural villagers take advantage of economic opportunities created by investing in eco-tourism niche market. The name of the eco-lodge is "Kokop Village Eco-Tourism Center". An inbound tour company was put in place to bring in tourists from all over the world to Papua New Guinea. Formed in 2002,"Papua New Guinea Tropical Village Eco-Adventure Tours" operates out of Mt. Hagen and is owned and managed by Samson Yuimb. For more information, click here.
  • Tourism Promotion Online - In October of 1998, a tourism website was created by Samson Yuimb to promote Papua New Guinea's rich tourism market on the internet. Since then, due to popular demand, the "Papua New Guinea Tourism Resources Online (PNGTRO)" has become a major tourism information portal for persons interested in Papua New Guinea. The PNGTRO is part of KVEDO's initiative to promote eco-tourism via electronic media. Go to the PNGTRO site, click here.
  • YUIMB FORUM - This is basically a community awareness education initiative of Samson Yuimb aimed at highlighting various issues of provincial, national, and international significance affecting the lives of rural villagers throughout Western Highlands Province. Using both traditional and modern means of communication, information is disseminated among the masses.
In order to learn more about any or all of these projects and to find out how you can help KVEDO, Inc. to successfully complete these projects and achieve the targeted audiences with their respective expected outcomes, contact us via e-mail at or You can also send mail to KVEDO, Inc., P. O. Box 1373, Mt. Hagen, W.H.P., Papua New Guinea. You can call us at (675) 686 2439 - mobile. 

All rights reserved by KVEDO, Inc. Copyrighted 2004 ©.