Amber and Bray only 3
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Amber and Bray only 1, 2 ,3
Later after Ebony became leader she through Amber and Bray out of the city if they return they die. Lex helps Amber and Bray out of the city. Not long after Amber went into labor Bray found a barn. A plane flew over Bray lifts blood on his hand.

At the start of series 4 Amber had a difficult labor but there was no sign of Bray. Bray has been kidnapped by a new tribe called the Techno's.
With Trudy's help Amber had a baby boy Bray and Ambers son (little Bray). Trudy finds the ring Amber gave to Bray in series 1 and is worried.
Amber's scared so she and Trudy go to the Gaian camp.
Amber returns to the city and helps the Mall Rats defeat the Techno's.
Trudy and little Bray