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Amber's Dear Diary
Dear Diary

It's been 6 weeks since the virus began the city is full of Choas and destruction. Me and my bestfriend Dal have been dodging deadly tribe's like the Locos there leaders Ebony and Zoot are real psycho paths, I saw them chase a small lanky kid they tied him to a tree and started hitting him. But I guess with no one to stop them they can do what they like.
     I hate to see what's beem happening to the city it's where I was braught up I feel resposible in some way. I just wish I could do something to stop the tribe's from trashing it. But I can't and Dal seems to think going to the country would be the best option for us, more food and less chance of getting caught and sold as a slave but I'm not sure it feels like we'd be running away, giving up on our home and our friends.
      I have to go we're heading out tomorow so we'll see how it goes.

Dear Diary

              We headed for the country early this morning, I still wasn't sure about going but I hadn't the heart to tell Dal he was so excited. We came across a young girl as we were walking through the city Cloe, she was almost caught by the Locos I hate to think what would have happened if she had been. She led us to a play ground where we met Salene and brother and sister Patsy and Paul.
   We were almost caught by the Locos but luckily they weren't after us. They were chasing some bully who tried to take our food. We woundered around for hours looking for a place to stay. Eventually we came up on a Mall a kid called Jack lived there a nerd but he'd seemed  to survive on his own. He seemed lonly and asked us to stay. Dal still wants to carry on to the country but I don't think I can especailly with the others I'm just not sure how to tell him.

Dear Diary

I finally convinced Dal that staying at the mall is the best thing for us. For now at least. I don’t know I just can’t leave especially now the kids have joined us. I couldn’t just leave them with Salene and Jack. Not that Salene hasn’t done a great job of looking after the kids because she has. I just don’t think she’d be strong enough if one of the gangs got in here. And at the moment the security’s not fantastic. Bray proved that. Two days ago.
  I don’t think I’ve mentioned Bray yet have I? Bray’s the most fantastic guy I’ve ever met. He has the most beautiful brown eyes. And he’s so strong he’d make a great leader. The only problem with Bray is he has a girlfriend. Trudy and now as of this morning they have a daughter. I know I shouldn’t get involved but it’s hard not to be taken in by him.
We also have a few more additions to our tribe. Lex thinks he’s tough but I know he’s all talk. Ryan he’s really sweet a big teddy bear really. And Zandra miss. Barbie. At least we haven’t had any trouble from the other tribes yet. And we can get on with things as best we can.

Dear Diary

I know it’s been a while since I last wrote anything. But just lately I haven’t had the time. Jack and Dal have become really good mates. I’m glad it means that Dal will be less likely to up and leave. I know it sounds selfish but I’d really miss him.
  Trudy’s been having problems since the baby was born. She went into a fever and it was touch and go for a while. Dal went back to his fathers surgery. I know how painful that must have been for him. It hit him hard when his parents died. It did all of us. But Dal he’d been so close to his father and I know there were pictures at the surgery. Dal’s father always kept pictures of his family with him.
   Anyway he managed to get the medicine Trudy needed and she seems to be getting better. It’s just I’m not sure that she’s as connected to the baby as she should be. I don’t think she’s even held her daughter once. And Bray he isn’t much help. He never seems to be around anymore. I’m just worried he’ll abandon Trudy and their baby. And also if I’m honest I’d miss him.
