Raye's & Serena's
Sailor Moon Quiz

E-mail me the answers and if you get them all correct I'll send you a wav from the Sailor Scout of your choice. Good Luck!


1.  A cat named Artemis appears with Sailor Venus. The name comes from an ancient Greek Goddess.        What is she the Goddess of?

     A. Goddess of nature
     B. Goddess of war
     C. Goddess of fruit

2.  When is Serena's Birthday?

      A. October 13th
      B. July 19th
      C. June 30th

3.  What does Amy want to be when she grows up?

      A. A nurse
      B. A vet
      C. A doctor

4.  Which of Queen Beryl's henchmen was the first to attack the Sailor Scouts?

      A. Jedite
      B. Malachite
      C. Neflite

5.  Raye has two pet crows. One is named Phobos. What is the name of the other one?

      A. Blacky
      B. Demos
      C. Memos

6.  In the first season what does Sailor Moon say to transform?

      A. Moon Prism Power
      B. Moon Crystal Power
      C. Cosmic Moon Power

7.  Have you seen the false Sailor Moon? The real Sailor Moon wears a red ribbon. What color does the       false Sailor Moon wear?

      A. Pink
      B. Violet
      C. Pale Blue

8.  What is the name of Serena's Junior High School teaher?

      A. Miss Humphry
      B. Miss Herber
      C. Miss Haruna

If you scored:

6-8   You are a proud Moonie
4-6   You need to watch more episodes
0-4   Are you sure you know what Sailor Moon is?

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