Family of ABRAM & SUSANNAH (MacIntosh) FRASER
Susannah MacIntosh(Mrs. Abram Fraser) with son George Fraser and his family, Lower Caledonia. Picture taken about 1915.
Back Row: left to right: George (1865-1920) and Elmer (1896-1992)
Front Row: left to right: Addie (1900-1922) Anna (1869-1961) Dora (1907-
1998) Susannah(1839-1923) Donald (1904-2000) and Ernest (1898-1969)
James Thomas Fraser, son of Susannah and Abram Fraser was born Aug.28, 1869 in Caledonia Died June 26, 1953.
Tom left for the U.S.A. when he was 17. He was District Attorney  of Humbolt County Justice of the Peace in Eureka, California for 12 years and attorney for upward of 50 years. He married Dora Zerling on July31,1906, daughter of Augustus Zerling, born in Germany & Elizabeth Williams born in Goldenville, N.S.
Daniel Fraser,born 1876 Died July 1947 never married He lived and died in Lower Caledonia.
1938 Picture
Susannah and Abram had 2 additional children:

1.  John (Jack) Fraser (born 1870 died Sept.26, 1948, married
Adelade Jane Lidstone (died Sept.29, 1942, age 68. They lived in California and had no children.
2. Margaret(Maggie)Fraser (born Feb 13, 1863, died Oct. 16, 1943.
Marriage 1  Adam Smith, a son of Henry Smith and Mary Jane MacKeen
Note: Adam was a grandson of Pioneer William Smith and he was a great grandson of Pioneer Thomas Glencross. Adam died between 1888 and 1895. After his death Maggie went to California where she married
Marriage 2. Edward Cousins Zerlang (born June 10, 1871, died 1940)
He was a brother of Dora Zerlang who married Maggie's brother Tom